track day pics

Outstanding! Don't know if I would feel comfortable draggin' the knee either, but you make it look extremely in that photo.
Outstanding! Don't know if I would feel comfortable draggin' the knee either, but you make it look extremely in that photo.
I got my stock suspension setup tighter than factory default and that helped better speeds at the track and more confidence cornering. The busa seems much wider than all those 600's and 1000's there that day - they have plenty of lean angle for a track. I wish I had better pics of my experience on the track but we were both too busy riding to take pics! My friend, who had never track ridden before described his first expereince as "A roller coaster feeling" which is a great way to put it...even thought this track is completely level/flat.

Now for my standard PSA: Track riding is SO MUCH SAFER than tearing up the streets and public roads, and is about 10 times more fun, and you learn 10 times as fast. $200 +/- SEEMS pricey at first, but after you get out there and realise you have only been using about 1/3 of your cycling investment, it doesn't seem like much cost at all/

nuther very bad knee dragging pic from video

Thought I would stick on a couple of photo's from a track day I did at Donington in the UK last weekend.
This is the track used for the MotoGP race and is great to ride as it has just been completely resurfaced.
Weather wasn't brilliant and the track was damp in places. First time on a track on the 'Busa and was pleased with the way it performed.
Just wish I could get my suspension set up properly.
Jon Tucker
Rochdale UK
Outstanding!  Don't know if I would feel comfortable draggin' the knee either, but you make it look extremely in that photo.
I got my stock suspension setup tighter than factory default and that helped better speeds at the track and more confidence cornering.  The busa seems much wider than all those 600's and 1000's there that day - they have plenty of lean angle for a track.  I wish I had better pics of my experience on the track but we were both too busy riding to take pics!  My friend, who had never track ridden before described his first expereince as "A roller coaster feeling" which is a great way to put it...even thought this track is completely level/flat.

Now for my standard PSA:  Track riding is SO MUCH SAFER than tearing up the streets and public roads, and is about 10 times more fun, and you learn 10 times as fast.  $200 +/- SEEMS pricey at first, but after you get out there and realise you have only been using about 1/3 of your cycling investment, it doesn't seem like much cost at all/

nuther very bad knee dragging pic from video
I had the opportunity to get on a motorspeedway track last year, but didn't because the 'Busa was under repair. Wish I would have gone because it probably would have been the closest I will ever get to track ridin'!
dont give up ope, BBSB, ya never know where the future will go.

Greta pics, jon! I KNOW you had a ball on the track
feel free to start your own thread too, dont be shy... people here love pics!

PS Don't leave your bike laying around a track too long or vandals might get to it!!


WWJD...those are awesome photos man... nice knee draggin'!!! you are right i think... the busa can do 5 times what you can throw at it... i love my bike more every time i ride it..

you should try and sell your pucks on e-bay.. somebody'll pony up for 'em!
killer greg... I really wish I coulda made it out there..... sooo much going on right now... maybe next time.
Dude, I think I'm going to Blackhawk farms in 2 weeks! then again at end of next month. it's six hours from me in Rockton Ill, maybe 4 for you. The free thing is sweet! They guide you around 2-3 slow laps first session, then you slowly speed up. The next session is almost a free for all for beginners! you can have a lot of fun for free
that looks like an awesome time... has anyone been to the Jennings GP at Valdosta, GA? I was talking to a couple guys at work and they thought I was nuts to take my new bike racing. It looks like a lot of fun though
Sorry i didn;t make it looked like a blast damn i had work emergency come up not to mention recovering from a viral infection hmm hopeflly next year or next time around
ya man! a great time! catch it nexty year. I was looking for local omaha busa crew but saw none! I think I had the largest bike on teh track but kept up pretty well for our namesake.