Track Day pics

Nice WWJD,  Whats the big ole green N on your fairing?

Looks like a blast.
N for Newbie?

Great pics W...!
I can't wait to get to the track.
Looks like a blast. I can't wait to get the shoulder rehabed so I can get a track day in.
Bullet, are you gonna make it to Laguna? I would really like to see your bike up close. To me, it's one of the hottest Busa's I've seen. This is my bike for now. All chromed up and ready to go. Still have a few finishing touches to put on it though.

Nice job! It looks like a kick in the pants. Makes me want to sign up!
Hey, ya got nothing to loose but your life! ;) It's worth every penny - even when it's free.
After my first session I had this unstoppable smile going on!