Traxxax T-Max & Revo

I did the test and compression is good, so now I am stumped. Maybe its time to tinker with the low speed settings on the carb. It won't even turn over....maybe the electric motor is shot

That's what I would look at next. Does it even click or show that it's getting juice~?~

The starter motor is famous for having one of those wires pop off. Has 4 wires to it usually, and either one may have slid off the connection...or if thats not the case check your ground wire that goes all the way down under the engine mount.

If you have crud built up under this wire, it will not get a ground at all and the starter motor will not get any juice~!~

Even if it clicks, still check your wiring, may not be tight enough or need cleaning
They are definitely a blast. Between my 9 yo son and myself we have (1) T-MAXX, (2) Revo 2.5 and (1) Revo 3.3. Running JR Racing FM radios.
That's what I would look at next. Does it even click or show that it's getting juice~?~

The starter motor is famous for having one of those wires pop off. Has 4 wires to it usually, and either one may have slid off the connection...or if thats not the case check your ground wire that goes all the way down under the engine mount.

If you have crud built up under this wire, it will not get a ground at all and the starter motor will not get any juice~!~

Even if it clicks, still check your wiring, may not be tight enough or need cleaning

adding to this...

Your first hint that it could be a wire loose is looking at your battery starter. If you use the factory starter box, does you "glow" light and the "motor" light both come on~?~

If the motor light does not light then it may point to your wires...if it does light and still has trouble turning over but you can turn the engine by hand, then check the electric starter motor...make sure the engine is not hydrolocked...try it without the glow plug in

I'm thinking I don't have that arse backwards about the lights~!~
Maaan those superchargers are wicked~!~

I would not have one on my car though...too hard to keep in tune~!~

Have you seen the twin supercharger twin motor set ups~?~ Talking about a tuning nightmare...LoL

Supposed to create 5hp~!~

sweet jesus, 5hp in an r/c car? what are you gonna do with that, tow your kids in a red wagon?
adding to this...

Your first hint that it could be a wire loose is looking at your battery starter. If you use the factory starter box, does you "glow" light and the "motor" light both come on~?~

If the motor light does not light then it may point to your wires...if it does light and still has trouble turning over but you can turn the engine by hand, then check the electric starter motor...make sure the engine is not hydrolocked...try it without the glow plug in

I'm thinking I don't have that arse backwards about the lights~!~

Will do all the above this evening guys. Now who wants to sell me their used 3.3 :whistle:
I almost bought the gas Traxxax but went with the electric one instead. I almost never use it so I'm glad I save the extra $100 :cheerleader: but I do still want one.
Here's mine.

HPIM1018 (Medium).JPG