The TRE will only allow the bike to see 5th gear to the ECU (it has a resitor on the gear sensor that sends constant voltage regardless of which gear you're in... voltage = 5th gear voltage).(Scottrod @ Jun. 09 2007,09:48) Now I'm wondering...when I get the PCIII installed, does it allow you to map each gear's fuel curve individually or what? Does anyone know if it's okay for me to use this specific TRE with the PCIII?
I just need to know if it's best if I tune my bike on a dyno with the PCIII ALONE or with the TRE as well. Like I said I'd like to keep the speed limiter removed and I have noticed that the bike is more responsive in low RPMs with the TRE but if the PCIII can change the fuel curve and timing I can get the same results without the TRE...
I'm sure this TRE debait has gone on before but I'm fairly new to my busa and these I'm going to have to beat this dead horse till I get a definite answer from someone who is SURE and KNOWS they are right.![]()
tre or no tre you may end up with the same intermittent problems until you make some other changes to your setup.(psychoticide @ Sep. 28 2007,10) Not that I am trying to revive the dead here or anything by replying to this old post, but I have been searching for an answer to a problem and I can't seem to find it. Last week I installed a yoshi 4-2-1 system and a PCIII w/ yoshi map. The bike has almost 6,000 miles on it (I have owned it for about 1000 of those miles). I also have a TRE on the bike....this was installed before the exhaust and PCIII. The problem is after cruising down the highway in 6th (RPMs around 4200-4500) for 15 minutes, I hit a off-ramp and head in to work. When accelerating from a stop of our of a slow stoplight turn, if feels like it is seriously loaded studders a bit and then takes off like nothing is wrong. When it happens, it is always 1/4 throttle or less. Until I get a good map, I am guessing the TRE needs to go? That would suck, but if it makes it run better then that is what I will do.
(Commuta_Busa @ Sep. 28 2007,12:39)