(ezlife @ Apr. 18 2007,19
) Timing Retard Eliminator. If you have ever timed a small block you know the difference between advanced and retarded. If not Advanced and Retarded are kind of self explanatory. Suzuki retards the timing in the first 4 gears to help with power delivery. This basically acomplished two things, 1. to keep novice riders from wheelies and uncontrollable launches. 2. By retarding the timing suzuki could limit the bikes top speed which suzuki and all other motorcycle manufactures are now forced to do in the U.S. THE PERFORMANCE LOOPHOLE
In 5th gear even the busa does not do wheelies, also in 5th gear you can't achieve top speed. Suzuki did not limit 5th gear MAP. Now the ecu works off ohms. Simple small amounts of electricity. Example : 8 ohms on one side of a 1 inch brass plate puts out 4 ohms on the other side. Via loss of energy ( displacement of molecules if you get technical). The tre. is a make of wires and resistors that change income of ohms to 1 outcome. For example, first gear in the busa puts out 1 ohm to the ecu, which in turn causes the ecu to run map 1. Which is 4 degrees retarded. 5th gear gets to the ecu as 5 ohms, causing the bike to run unrestricted. When you install the tre, your ecu will now only see 1 amount 5 ohms. (Unless it's in neutral). The Question was Does a tre produce more horsepower, NO. It does allow you to use all the bikes horsepower all of the time. The good news you only map one gear of the bike, deacceleration is greatly improved. The busa does not have a gear indicator, so you don't get cheated out of losing it. But power never comes without sacrifice. You will find low rpms become more jumpy, as 5th gear is not mapped to idle around. Also you will find the bike runs a little warmer. Anytime detonation is closer to zero more heat is produced. If you get one check into one that is "smart", and or switchable, so you can turn it on when you want to run all out.