tre mod qwestion

congrats chris......and like we've been saying, to do 200 in a STANDING mile will be quite an accomplishment! unfortunately i do not currently have the cash to do the necessary mods for that, maybe next winter, but i talked to a few friends today and theres a stretch of e-way that's about 7 miles nice, flat, and straight, and hopefully, we'll get out there next season with the trap gun and start running some actual tests.
safety is always first brother ........ ALWAYS ........
we're only here once and for a short time; i'd liketo enjoy the most of it the best i can.
go with giproThe Ultimate Gear Indicator with built-in Advanced Timing Retard Eliminator w/atre, is the best and is made for suzukis and kawiz.
I have a GIpro. JohnnyCheese gave me a very disapproving look the first time he saw it. He asked me, "Do you want to see if this thing works?" So, a couple of dyno runs told the tale. The bike had less topend. Yes, it will change the feel of the lower gears. Yes, it will remove the speed limiter in 6th. The bike thinks it's always in one gear (you can choose 4th, 5th) that's why it feels "different" in the lower gears. Don't know about you fellas, but I like the way my bike feels in the lower gears.....F-A-S-T.

OR....have the Cheeseman do the mod, so the bike knows what gear it's in, uses the right map, and in 6th it thinks it's in 5th, hence no restrictor. Johnny tuned my bike to do 199+ at the last Texas Mile (Brianne jockeying).

I'm with ya Chris. 200+ next time.

Powered by Cheese, baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaby.

Here I am right after the Mile at San Antonio Speedway praticing my 1/4 mile launches (it's all in the first 60 feet, so I've learned).

Like the Cheeseman said, What's TRE?
I'll tell ya, TRoublE. Let the Busa be a Busa.

tiger drag 2-2.jpg
:welcome:I have the gipro tre gear indicator it is nice but I am also, after alot of chatting with these expeirenced guy's and listened:bowdown: well, added a power commander III usb:beerchug: a hub :thumbsup:and am working on 30 shot of nos:cheerleader: to try and get 200 mph.??? So what I am getting at is the real expeirenced guy's :bowdown:have told me and I have listened and am useing the gipro for what it is good for a shift indicator.:rulez: See guys I listened to ya:bowdown::bowdown: And even found out what these qeer little guy's are for.
Let's show AND go. PM me for a practice 200MPH run when this cold snap breaks. I just got 360 cc/min S2000 injectors. My rough calcs say a 100 shot will get me close to 275HP. What're you running buddy?
NOS shot, fuel pressure, stock fuel pump, etc.?

Don't mean to highjack the thread, but it started on the old question of "Does a TRE work" to "Can I go 200MPH with this or other mod" RIGHT?
:welcome:I have the gipro tre gear indicator it is nice but I am also, after alot of chatting with these expeirenced guy's and listened:bowdown: well, added a power commander III usb:beerchug: a hub :thumbsup:and am working on 30 shot of nos:cheerleader: to try and get 200 mph.??? So what I am getting at is the real expeirenced guy's :bowdown:have told me and I have listened and am useing the gipro for what it is good for a shift indicator.:rulez: See guys I listened to ya:bowdown::bowdown: And even found out what these qeer little guy's are for.

How much do you weigh? Brianne did 199+ @ 175lbs (she's about 6'1" and she''ll kick my azz if I exagerate my numbers). The hard-fast rule of 200HP to get 200MPH in a mile is CONSERVATIVE. I'm a big boy @ 235lbs on the current bike dyno of 217HP. MY buddy has 275HP and is a few lbs bigger (respect Chris!!!) and did about 195MPH. There's a lot more involved than buyig the HP and joining the Club.

TRU dat?
Absolutely true!
The numbers are 272 hp and went 197.497.
It had more to do with the lack of aerodynamics than actual weight, I believe.
The fact that my stomach wouldn't allow me to bend around the tank and tuck my head behind the windscreen was playing a major role in stoping me from obtaining the 200 mph desired speed.
I looked like a big bobblehead out there. The wind was blowing me back and forth , from side to side on the bike.
The power WAS there, the bike wheelied THRU third gear and was pulling like a M.F.!! The parachute on the top end was what killed me!
If Brianne would have been on my bike, she woulda prolly gone 210 or so.:cheerleader:
Don't let her read this thread, she may wanna jump camps............:laugh::laugh:
timeing retard elimanater.. sorry about my spelling but we all cant have hight iq,s
if anyone thinks its funny to take the fun out of someone thats not grate at skooling then there more dum that me .. get real guys.. my first qwestion was has anyone had good things happen after fitting a tre.. i have had a few positives and few negatives..
going to way up the facts ..or shall we all look at my spellings .. or talk about bikes..???

If you are going to critique this gentleman's spelling and grammar, the least you could do is offer some constructive advice.
Sorpion, I believe this is what you meant to say.

"timing retard eliminator

Sorry about my spelling, not everyone can have a high I.Q.
If people on this forum think it's funny disrespect someone for their poor education, then, some here are dumber than me. As Will Rodgers said, "We can't all be heroes, because somebody has to sit on the curb and applaud when they go by."

My first question was, has anyone had good things happen after fitting a T.R.E? I've heard positives, and negatives.
I'm going to weigh the facts.

Having said my piece, shall we criticize my spelling, or talk about bikes?"

Now everyone play nice, lest the RCMP grammar police* have to saddle up, ride again, and smack all ya'll up side the head.

:) :) :) :beerchug:


*That would be me.:whistle:
anyone know were the catalitic converters are on a 07 uk spec bike..
sorted pipes now and .tre . may be all in my mind but bike feels better.
will be doing some runs with gps to see what i hit soon. and what the top speed is now. weather , roads , and cops permiting. :moon:
thanks for feed back on the tre . going to keep runing it and keep noteing my changes
Don't know but I've read that the

1) stock filter is better than the K&N

2) short of replacing the factory header you make little or no gains from modifying or replacing the cans.