Trooper's Patrol Car

Glad he is okay. I hate to see cops on the side of the highway since many people dont move to the other lane. I think its a law in NY, not sure, either way there is no reaso not to move
Looks like a few of our patrol cars. Wonder if it had the fire supression system in it?
Very lucky, some have been killed due to fires in these type crashes. Major recall went out on these vehicles. Hope everyone involved is alright.
Glad he's okay. Tell him to get checked out very well if he starts feeling sore muscles in his back or neck. It's easy to mistake nerve damage for that.
Glad he is okay. i had a couple of friends travel by this wreck. They said it was bad. It happened close to the Claremore exit on the turnpike I believe. I hope there were no major injuries.
Glad he faired as well as he did. Hopefully no one else was hurt too bad either.
Incredible, I'm glad to hear he is going to be OK. I too have been passed on the right when moving over for emergency vehicles on the side.
People are idiots. How hard is it to move over, or slow down. This is where I believe the law needs to come down hard. The driver that hit him should be slammed. Do that a few times and people will take it seriously.

I am glad the officer is ok. I seriously worry about them every time I see one pulling a guy over. Even on the bike I move to the other lane.
Yikes!... Looks like it used to be a Charger.. Well at least the mufflers seem to be in good shape.
Good to know your colleague is relatively unscathed save for a painful future of physical therapy on the spine.