I don't care what anyone says, you have to want to quit.
I smoked for 8 years and have been a non smoker for 16 years now.
When I smoked, I attempted to quit a few times in the later years but did not work. Finally, I realized that even though I told myself I wanted to quit, I didn't really want to. My hands always wanted something to do, and it felt right.
Not that I would ever suggest this, but...I got to where I would go until about 5:00 pm (working second shift) before lighting up the first cig (thinking I was doing pretty good throughout the day).
However, after it started I would smoke about two packs during work hours and before going to bed that night. Cramming this chain smoking into a short time made me literally "sick" of cigarettes and one day I laid the pack on top of my dash and never lit another one up. They stayed there for about two months because I didn't really think I was going to quick, until my buddy threw them away and that was that.
I figure I had enough nicotine built up I didn't need it for a while and somehow my body adjusted then without it.
Anyway, not a method I would ever trust or suggest, but that's how I quit.
PS:::soon after I quit I could tell a large difference in my body. At a checkup a few years ago I asked the doc and he said after this many years it's like I never lit up at all. Maybe some incentive to think about for the future.