TTS Supercharger

Cali....of course you are right....from a HP potential standpoint, its not all the same. Even from turbo to turbo. A more efficient turbo will make more HP at the given PSI and manange to keep backpressure optimal and reduce IAT at the same time.

I was merely speaking from an engine wear standpoint. Besides, 10 PSI isnt enough to concern any Busa motor....even stock.

Whatshisname was making it sound as if turbo motors need to be rebuilt every year and thats an uneducated and misleading statement.

Its fine to have a preference, but he shouldnt state things as fact when he doesnt know what hes talking about.

The only area that I could possibly see a supercharger having an advantage to a turbo in reference to engine life is that a turbo heats up engine oil very high as it passes through the hot housing. Use the right oil and change it regularly and its not a problem though.
What a great argument!

#1 wtf are you talking about rebuilding a turbo motor every yr. There are turbos with 60k plus miles on them with no rebuilding whatsoever.[/QUOTE]

I've got two factory Honda turbo's that are over 2 decades old. Other than basic maintenance, neither has had any failures or repairs. I know of guys who have over 150,000 miles on theirs and still going strong.
oh...and for the wienies that want to cry about how "old school" bikes don't make any HP, these two little V-TWINS make more HP per liter than a Busa with moderate performance mods.
The 500 runs at 19.3 PSI and the 650 runs at 16.9 PSI factory stock on 93 octane fuel.

Sorry but a Turbo isn't going to destroy an engine every year.

#5 Turbos don't just "kick in". Its not an on/off thing. It builds boost with engine load. The more load the more boost. If you've ever ridden a 2 stroke dirtbike, a turbo acts just like a 2 stroke powerband.[/QUOTE]

My 500 does have the explosive "kick in" characteristic but it's not exactly uncontrollable either. The next year, Honda refined the new 650 about 100X over...She starts building boost at 2K rpm and if full out running like a raped ape from 4K to 10K. Zero lag at any rpm and so seamless you wouldn't even suspect a turbo is lurking under that fairing.

That said, when it comes time to boost the Busa I'd like to give the SC a try just to be different.

They require bosch style connectors. Takes about 2, 3 minutes, just splice pull the old connectors, and insert them in the through the new plugs.

To settle this wear issue once and for all. Both exert similar wear on motors, with the caveat that they must be well installed. Any power adder improperly installed can utterly wreck your motor. Any of the guys selling and installing any of these forced induction kits will agree.

But to state my OPINION, the superchargers are a lot more fun, though I might be biased...

That linear boost is kickass! I find it a lot more fun for riding the twisties, because of how consistently predictable the boost is. That said - all you guys with naturally aspirated motors are slower than ####!
Cali....of course you are right....from a HP potential standpoint, its not all the same. Even from turbo to turbo. A more efficient turbo will make more HP at the given PSI and manange to keep backpressure optimal and reduce IAT at the same time.

I was merely speaking from an engine wear standpoint. Besides, 10 PSI isnt enough to concern any Busa motor....even stock.

Whatshisname was making it sound as if turbo motors need to be rebuilt every year and thats an uneducated and misleading statement.

Its fine to have a preference, but he shouldnt state things as fact when he doesnt know what hes talking about.

The only area that I could possibly see a supercharger having an advantage to a turbo in reference to engine life is that a turbo heats up engine oil very high as it passes through the hot housing. Use the right oil and change it regularly and its not a problem though.

+1, coming from a turbo-10r id love to try a supercharged bike. bike i want mean low-mid range, which is why i liked my turbo set up. very roll-on aggressive when cracking the throttle around 60 in 2nd. are there any possitive sc kits out there?
TTS has a US distributer here's the page:

Talk to Jason, prices for the kits are here as well.
He knows what he's doing and can install for you as well.
E mail him thru his site if you have any questions.

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??that link isnt working for me??

as a non-busa owner, i cant fathom how hes breaking the rear wheel loose like he is. im thinking, hes not clutching it but maybe bad tire and or roads? he just cracks the throttle and its drifting- he insist that its not geared and hes not touching more than half throttle. yeah hes got a worked motor and pushing maybe 10+psi at 310hp on a centrifugal tts system but im running 230+hp on stock wheel base and need to clutch it in order to break my rear loose. does anyone else know of any tts supercharger claims like his?

what do ya expect, im a rookie who entered a google search when my boys over at began fabricating a rotrex for their 10r. out of curiosity i began my search and ive always liked the 2nd gen busa, so put two and two together...

i suppose beneath the 100's of thread highlighted when searching "supercharger" someone could verify first hand their experience of 250+hp supercharger versus a 250+hp turbo. as i said before the linear torque curve is what appeals to me. i was corrected earlier that im comparing apples and almonds when looking at a turbo-10r and turbo-bus let alone stock motor indifferences.
apparently a word on the inside is that TTS just upgraded their gen II busa kit to support 10psi at 300+hp and modified the placement of its parts to fit better aside the motor.