TURBO KIT - Group Buy from RCC -

you gotta be effin kidding me......

gonna go rob a bank brb......
Don't have the cash now, but I am planning on going turbo this winter. Come on X-Mas bonus and income taxes.:rofl:
No hurry guys, we can wait it out a month or 2, no probs... this thread could be put on standby til we get enough peeps to go for the Shabang!

For now I'm in for sure! 4 more to go. For those in for sure PM me so I start a list of confirmed.
I am very interested!!! Might have to wait that month or two to collect some dollars. But count me in!!!!! Trying so many things at once right now. Just don't want to mess up things with the misses!


Would be nice running my 1000mls in 24 hours trip with the new turbo!?!
It doesnt really say but can i keep my stock oil cooler with stage 1 in gen 1?? Maybe with different lines?? I live in a very hot climate and really depend on it!!!!

I dont have a BUSA yet, just wanted to say ......... YEAH CANADA BABY!!!

His place is about 1hr and 20 min from my house. I should pick up all the kits and deliver them. Is the price he is giving you in Canadian or American $$$??
- Ka99: prices in USD

- LeDauz: Not necessarily. Let me know what you looking for and will get you RCC's price for the group buy.

- SteveNM: You and I, That's 2 already... 3 to go...By the way not sure about the cooler, but I asked Richard about installing the Satge 1 in hot climate locations, he said no probs... I live in a desert bro, can reach up to 55 celsius here = 120 - 130 degrees Fahrenheit in summer... oh yeah! believe it!

- TheSkaz: Celebrate x-MAS EARLY THIS YEAR... LET US ALL!

Frickn hell I recently purchased the Micron Slip-ons, coz I love the way they look... If I go Turbo, they gotta go. Ouch! I guess will enjoy them while they last...
I will give a for sure answer in a week or two very interested, just making sure I have the extra cash.
Posted via Mobile Device
The last couple of nights the Beast and I have been out ridin and talkin about whether it wants to have a turbo or not....:laugh:

Glad there is no pressure to make a decision this week as it was kind of stressing on me....I don't want my ego to be writing cheques that my financial planner (me) shouldn't cover!
hollywood8: no probs bro, even if we get 5 b4 then we will wait for you!

warp10: surprise her with a nice gift... then ask her just when she is opening it... they always say yes at that exact moment... just make sure its something she wants/likes

Bazooki: I hear you man,,, sometimes I think why the hell did I start this thread... But Frickn hell we live once, and I am sure every time is gonna be a bad time for me... Screw it! I'll manage my finances after the purchase... :laugh:
Just got myself a new toy. The first all flat black snap on tool box. I LOVE IT!!!!! All murdered out!!! :)

There are going $3K almost a turbo. But i am still in!!!!!!



Now you really need that Turbo Steve, so you get you use your new toy!

Would luv me one of those, but priorities for now my friend... Turbo, etc... then comes the tidying up stuff! lol... very cool box indeed!
I would love to get this for my GenI but just bought a Duc999, so would need some time to save some money, just one concern:
I have a full Yoshimura Dual exit+PCIII etc, would I still be able to use these? and what other modifications beside the kit would I need? is the air filter under body or through the body?
sorry for all these questions Im not an expert :thumbsup:
I would love to get this for my GenI but just bought a Duc999, so would need some time to save some money, just one concern:
I have a full Yoshimura Dual exit+PCIII etc, would I still be able to use these? and what other modifications beside the kit would I need? is the air filter under body or through the body?
sorry for all these questions Im not an expert :thumbsup:

Not sure at all, as I too hold no experience with these kits, never even rode a turbo bus.

I'm sure someone will be able to assist u though. But my micron slip ons were a NONO. Apparently they restrict the performance of the kit. So if they have to go then they have to go! :laugh:
Wish i wasn't in iraq at the moment! I'll for sure try to get my hands on one when i get back from deployment, around march 2010, i hope!!!