turbo or not turo

turbo or not turbo

if i can clearly see 4 cone filters on the ITB setup dose that mean that it's not turbo. because i was looking at the smart car with the hayabusa engine and my friend said that it was not turbo
If I had a SmartCar with a turbo engine I'd would be showing the engine... AND THATS THE ONLY THING I WOULD BE SHOWING OFF!
Only turbo set ups I have seen have the air intake on the cold side of the turbo. The air is compressed run through a intercooler and into the engine via sealed tubing and a " bonnett" of some kind around the throtle bodies or carb. If you have a air fitler on each carb or throtle body there is no way you can keep the air from the turbo from escaping since it is usualy 2 to 3 times the pressure of the air around it ( 1 bar of boost is 1x's atmosphere pressure)

Think of a turbo system as a hydro system, it bust be sealed for it to work. Had a race car blow a clamp loose on the intercooler once in the middle of the track, even a 9psi loss caused the car to almost crash.
you could not have individual intakes on a turbo setup. twin turbo=twin intakes. i mean, you would at least see a turbo, or manifold, or something if it were turbo.