michael parris heuberger
HI. I will have a set up to read rear tire temp. I am looking into a road race slick in the 200/60/17 and the 200/65/17. I was a rear tire failure on Bill Warner,s bike. I an a little concerned with the tires for doing this.my bike dead hooks first gear on the street and pulls mid 2 second 60-130 time. I use a tire warmer at events when its needed but the last event the line you had to wait in was 30-45 min long so i just did a burnout. The runway in indy was not good for traction everyone was having issues. I run different set ups for different situations. I should have went from 8 over to 6 over for that event but had races lined up the following weeks and didnt want to cut my chain down for it. I use a dragmax to hook on the street but for the half mile events I use a q4 as its a taller tire and will mph better at the trade off of traction in 1st and second gear. Typically in mph based events spinning even helps the mph.