Turn signal blink rate...


Hi, First Post!!!

I'm having trouble with my right turn signal blinking twice as fast as the left. Since I don't have a clue on where to start checking, I was wondering if anyone has had this problem. If so, where do I begin?

Thanks for any suggestions.
Oh and make certain your blinker fluid isn't cloudy, might be time to change it.
...and Welcome to the board!!
..mine is '99..
..I guess the blinker fluid was a '00 update.. ..I checked under the seat and there's nothing but the usual T.T.S. (Time Transfer Switch) and the H.P.O.B.S. (Huge Pile Of Bull S***) button..

can the blinker fluid gizmo be replaced by the tire lubricant mod?..
NO NO NO, First of all you will want to use a DOT IV Synthetic Blinker Fluid. Some folks will jerk you off saying that Regular Ole' Blinker Fluid works just fine, but trust me on this A Full synth is the way to go. Also, NO you cannot substitute Blinker Fluid for Tire Lubricant. Damn, I mean think about it, you really want your tires going grip-slip-grip-slip-grip-slip? NO... Bad Idea...
you really want your tires going grip-slip-grip-slip-grip-slip?  
..I 'll be going faster this way! (sideways..)

..AND will economize on tires - by applying lubricant to HALF TIRE ONLY each day, next day to other half..

Seriously though, where is the spark plug lubricant reservoir? I can't find it and it's time for the "Spark Treatment" (serv. manual, p. 1397, chapter "F*** Up Your Bike, the Safe-Way!.."