Two riders killed on Busa, so far

I'm not that wild anymore....thank god.
I used to be smoking,snortin,drinking,droppin,poppin, until one day said fuckit i'm stoppin..and that was well over 2 years ago.

What happened with that job for you?
Is it a dead end job?
What did they pay you?
Do you get any special discounts as an employee?
Does the job you have now have anything to do with motorcycles?
Sorry for asking so many damn questions...and answers to any of them will be greatly appreciated,thanks ducmanic!
Can i get my hands on things before the public?
Thanks again ducmanic!!
Let the people that died on their Hayabusa rest in peace,and do not judge someone until you walked a mile in his shoes.War changes people and so do being a police officer,we do not see the good and bad that officers go thru.They are the symbol that enforces the law.They may break the law them self but they are human as us,you take the good with the bad and if you don't like it you vote to try to change the way the country/state/city is run, with that lets keep posting HAYABUSA stuff!!!!!!
"Some of you Pepole have a big Problem with authority.." FC

Yea, don't we know it!!!! This problem is the worst when this type of person is put in a uniform and given a badge like FalconCop. Cocky, arrogant, callous disregard for others, being above the law.

The truth is people have a problem with those who ABUSE the athority given to them.What an utter disgrace to the profession!!
FC = "you Chump !"

Now..Now..Now No need or name calling. But there was a valid point made. What about safety? Oh thats right safety took a day off that day you were play'n around.

I am starting to agree, I dont think FC is even a cop! Isnt the internet great, you can be what every want, just type it in. LOL!
wa..Wa..Wa..It's the best how I stir up certain pepole on this post,,as stated Before..who gives a Hoot whether you believe I'm a cop.
Just think no more tickets,able to Enjoy my busa to it's potential,Never to worry again about those pretty red lights in my rear view mirror. and when i do get stopped,,just to be Able to Flash My Badge,,exchange a few niceties between brother officers,,then burn out and exit like a slingshot.
And then get this cop Haters,,I go on duty and whack the common shmo out there who's late for work and going a few miles over the limit. because 1. it makes me look good. 2. I look for other offences,,IE: Drugs,,suspended DL,,Equipment Violations,,But my Initial Stop was for Speeding,,I lecture the driver as to how not to Speed in my Town,,then as I go off duty..I take my Busa and the very same road i gave out 9 speeding whacks..I go 80 in a 25,,what a kick in the head )) Oh My !!. It's good to be the King, and be part of the biggest Gang in the Country.
So go ahead keep resenting the Police,,we love it, as well as me being amused as to how I get to certain peoples Nerves)))). Ahh !! to be able to Enjoy the fastest Bike on the fear of points,,Insurance rates going up,,or any type of violation..geez I don't even have to go to get it inspected every yr..Why ?? cause who's gonna whack me ?? The Police ?? LOL )) think not.
To those who Like the Police..sure I may sound a we bit Cocky,,But hey this is the best profession to be in and why not take advantage of the Perks of the Job. Cause every Single one of you loser Cop haters would Take advantage of the laws of Speed with your Busa,,if you were "THE LAW".
And even though some of you people are pathetic punks,,Remember Labor Day is the time of year where we have the Most DWI deaths in this great land of ours,,i'll be busy this weekend taking this DWI poop off the Road,,Ride Safe Ride Aware,,Ride Sober,,Yes even the Cop Haters on this Post.

Budda, nothing pathetic about persuing ur goals. U never know where this passion can take U. You get in for the love of the bikes, maybe U learn how the financing is done, maybe learn how to manage other sales people, learn how to run a dealership. Learn how to write a business plan, get a loan.
"BUDDAHs Motorcycle Stop", you never know. Some of the worlds most successful people are doing what they love. Go 4 it!
That`s no poop about flashing the badge.My best friend is a cop and its awsome riding with him ...we go so fast .I guess most jobs have there bennys ..a cop breaking the law.A food services person ,eating a lot.And someone like me...getting paid to write to you guys and to surf :).
A real cop who owns a Hayabusa wouldn't have to act this way on I wouldn't let this flake get to you. He obviously has alterior motives. Maybe he ate a bad donut?! :)
Falcon Cop wrote:'re the one who's been arrested right ?,,tickets ?? your Ins.rates go up because of the
Police. I bet thats it,,your one of those wanabe tough Guys on the street..but when you get arrested
or see those pretty Red lights in your rear view mirror you pucker up like a little B*tCH.

Spare Me,,I see your Ilk every 8 hr tour of duty..shut up and pull over >> let me see your DL,Reg,and
insurance..NOW !!

Well, "Fakin' Cop", I am 37 years old, have NEVER been arrested, and have 0 points on my driving record despite having and riding a 250 HP turbocharged GSXR1100. I have NEVER been in ANY trouble with the law, so as you can see your theories are about as valid as you claiming to be a police officer. As I said before, get a life, please!
If your doing what you love, you are successful. No matter what it pays.
Again we're all cheerin for you.

Better to die quick doing what you love than slowly in an intensive care ward with a bunch of tubes stuck up your. The older I get the more I see the truth of this.
I'm very disturbed about all the cop bashing. Maybe I should have disclosed my identity earlier, and let you squids know that we can track you through your server.

Ms. J. Reno, Atty. Gen'l.
My IP address is dynamically assigned. You'll have to bust 254 of us. 253 will be innocent. Tough luck Janet baby.

[This message has been edited by Lyle (edited 03 September 1999).]
nobody has to be sorry to me....
i can relate to everybodies sitution.

you guys need to remember that were all from differant parts of the (usa)world and everybody has a differant way of dicribing things.
it all depends on what your around most of the time.
i know i talk differant at work then i do at home or even at a bar.
i'm sure falconcop doesn't mean to affend anyone when he's writing something it's just part of his personality.
i too felt the same way you guys feel when i first read a couple of his replies when he started talking on here. and i don't agree with all of them. but the best thing for me to do is just not reply to any of his if he's bothering me that bad.
usally in a sitution like this things aren't going to get any better so the best thing to do is not let them get started...