(UK) who\'s doing the Snetterton trackday on the 21st of July?

Sunday you say....you'll get caught up in the Fearsome/Rottenegg stand off then... Busa Vs ZX12, Hayabusa.org Vs Labusas.org too maybe??

I'd love to come,but why choose a dragstrip so far away? 'specially where they put ferrets down their trousers and say "eh up" a lot? Most of us are in the civilised south so why not Santa Pod?
Pooh, um, I have a secret to tell you

I would love for it to be a Pod. I'm only in Bedford as you know

long way to go just to prove a point eh??

Nuts ;)

[This message has been edited by NumbNuts (edited 19 July 2000).]
Just found out a ZX12 rider by the name of ASH is turning up too.



There must be more......

Nuts ;)
Aahhh.... so, NumbNuts = ****!? :)

So, where is Fearsome based?

I would come, but I suspect it's gonna take 4 hours to get there.

[This message has been edited by pooh (edited 18 July 2000).]
Reschedule for the Pod is my professional advice. Then distance can't be an object for most members here. Depending of FearsomeKY of course.

Fk is a scotish bloke, but living just south of the boarder from what I can gather

Nuts ;)

[This message has been edited by NumbNuts (edited 19 July 2000).]
Is he called ash, 'cos after he's got 'burned up' by the bus team, that's what he's going to most resemble? As in a pile of...... ;)
Weather permitting 'nuts I'll be there.

Last time I said that was for the speed trials in Yorks a couple of weeks ago. Weather was shitty but I went anyway and nearly drowned on the way home, so this time I mean it.

[This message has been edited by Tangram (edited 18 July 2000).]
Afraid I can't back out now (unless it really pisses down with rain or my manual tensioner doesn't arrive....VERY VERY VERY NOISY VALVE TRAIN THIS MORNING. ALL REVS UPTO AND INCLUDING 6KRPM hot and cold.......whimper, whimper, whimper. tensioner coming end of week according to Debben........please hold out,, please hold out,, please hold out,, till then!!

numbnuts;what time does it start on Sunday and how much is the gate(only to watch)?Would like to come along and see the beast and have a listen if i may.Where near YORK is it?

Are you sure it's the tensioner?? As I had the same sorta noise as you, but it turned out to be a leaking exhaust header.

I took it to the dealer, monday. He listened to it and confirmed it was the tensioner getting "tired"

He reckoned he had seen quite a few worse than mine recently

THis is definetly a ratchety / ticky / rattle.

If you're coming sunday you can have a listen and tell me!!!!

Nuts ;)
Id go along and watch but I think the bikes going to be out of Action. Taking it to some SUZUKI c r a p hole so they can listen, I think the tensioner is F U C K E D the same as yours. If he says it is ok I will make him put it in writing (useful if it goes at 70mph as my a r s e visits my brain).
Getting a little bit F U C K E D off now, its like riding a time bomb what with the tensioner and the sub frame.
Yours seriously P I S S E D off.
Manual tensioner. Ordered from www.Debben.co.uk

They are coming in end of week

fit it right, tighten every 2-4000 miles (supposedly you hear when it needs a tweak)

Jobs a goodun'

Check subframe. If its okay, then so be it. Sit forward, on or near front bolts like me, but I am a slim, fit healthy young chap so I can get close to the tank........ :D

Let us know if you are coming

Nuts ;)
Numbs, thanks for that website - I spotted a dead cheap kill box for the Busa (only £85 +VAT) I phoned up and you can trigger it with anything.

I'm gonna fit it to the passlight, with an inline switch to switch it out wen I don't want it to work. (at night!)

It's the nuts! ;)


BTW Pooh I'm looking to get to the Angel for about 8:30PM.

[This message has been edited by DangerMouse (edited 19 July 2000).]
glad to be of service Mr D.Mouse

(why are you worried about the kill at night (the high beam flash??) well, if you rev the tits off it the front lifts, hit kill switch, front dips, so flash is not noticable!!nail it agan, constant, uninterupted light source!!!!


Yeah, they are quite good them Debben. I found some interesting things there. Just make sure you tell 'em who told you eh??
Hey Moneypenny
The names Nuts, NumbNuts! :D

we might be able to negotiate a Hayabusa.org.uk discount scheme with them!!

Just a thought TANGRAM!!
007 Nuts ;)