Unbelievable! (Long story)

Wow. I'm so sorry to hear this.

I turned down a tuning job as I let my garage keeper's insurance lapse. My little shop and all it's work is on hiatus for a while while I raise my kids.

A good friend who owns a machine shop and bike fab shop really REALLY wanted me to tune the new project bike. I felt like shite for not tuning for him, but I felt there was too much at stake at this point in my life. I don't need to lose my house or retirement because something goes wrong with a customer's bike - or God forbid my garage burns to the ground.

I'm sorry to read this, but it just reinforces the fact that I made a wise decision. No insurance = No tuning.
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A disc lock would be of little use there..

Need to set it up "Road Warrior" style and have it blow a dye pack if disturbed..that would slow them down and make them purple-easy to pick out in a crowd and thump.
The harsh reality is that if someone wants what you have enough, they'll get it. Best we can do is make it difficult and hope they go looking for an easier opportunity.
now the arsonist was caught on camera and charged and arrested.
To me, that would be the most important piece of this whole awful puzzle. Glad they got him and hope he does some hard time. I hope this individual learns some kind of lesson out of this because what he did was completely thoughtless of others cherished property and he must have been aware of that.

I'm so sorry about the bike and I sincerely hope you get a good settlement from your insurance.