Under seat exhaust

Yep......JimboD wasn't it......haven't seen him here for a bit now........does nice work though.....looks killa.
Actually......Jimbo.....if ya see this can ya PM me......gotta talk to ya about this very subject.

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never seen that one before, but I would be very interested in setting one up! Sounds schweet!
motorhead(sh.org) had hindle do one for one of his customers.
oh....is there any way to do a dual undertail exhaust? I think that would so killa schweet!!
uhhhh..... kinda like this one?

uh..not quite. Looks interesting, but I'm looking more at the moto-gp style. The one where they're one on top of the other. I don't even know if that's possible.
i like the sides of the bike grab got the pics of.. don't much care for that out the back like so though.. maybe if it was only two.. or even one big pipe in the middle.. like oval shaped or something
i don't know bout the rest of you, those look bootleg as hell.
the one off the link from suzhaya looks like some homemade unibomber crap.
I need a high exit one.
Heres a shot of JimboD's bike. I hope he doesnt mind me posting. Heres a shot of his first set up

Jimbo Ds' Bike looks nutz!! got any other angles? is it custom or euro-company. Looks like he had to raiser up some. As far as the pics I posted, they could be fake I dunno, just got them off a sight.