It's been a great 2 years but i'm trying to make it a great 20 years.....But Great story, i go back to that parking late from time to time just for the hell of it and i never realized that the building across the street had a perfect veiw of the whole parking lot so one day im in the parking lot just finish my 2 hours after work and this guy comes up to me and he has a brand new Icon helmet in his hands. He tells me that he is into physical therapy and he wanted to give me a token of his appreciation becuz around the time i first started riding a lady had started her therapy and she used me for motivation. he remembers the first day he saw me out there he said to his self and her there goes my next patient ??? but we has watched me go from a fool with a bike to a good rider ??? thats when i told him enough wit the insults LOL
but he gave me the helmet and a gift card to Fridays...... Come to think about it i never used that gift card ....... but my hard work really PAYED off........................ But to answer some of you guys/gals comments....... i think ima hold off on the track day until next summer becuz i wanna get another bike just for the track plus I got three road trips set up for this summer along with a boat load of family vactions......... And my baby is still 100% stock no mods no nothing just the normal maintenance...... 
The Org is the Best