Update on my bike (05 le)

Hmm, here's another idea for you. Since you went black on the rearsets & stuff, how about blacking out your fuel cap ring. I used the Bedliner stuff instead of sending it out to Vic for pc....it turned out great and is resistant to fuel, oil, etc... just an idea...trying to think of things that wont cost you much but will make a difference.
i already have the keyless vortex gas cap, ere is a pic, its all black of course.
got any other cheap ideas?
what is that under your triple tree?
is that the remote valentine thingy
yep it is, i can here the noise from it even at speed without any headphones or anything, its awesome!
the actually radar detector is suctioned to the windscreen.


got any other cheap ideas?
Hey Ezra,
I`m glad I helped making your bike looks like that... Fugging sick.. Sooooooo cool...  Powder matched perfect.

I love it... Not in a sexual way of course...

Couple cheap ideas .... If you don`t mind...

Loose tank pad.... Seriously.... It makes your awesome bike looks like cheap shid....
Black alien screws for gas cap, ACE hardware, very good quality bolts.
Anodised midpipes, or blackchommed.
Misc bolts... black `em out too.
Tripple tree? Send it to me... I`ll PC it. and those blue bolts covers on tripple tree..... Get rid of them....

..... or not....
She looks awesome!
thanx for the work vic, it looks so awesome, and really completes the whole look of the bike!!

and you can admit you like it in a sexual way

i agree i dont like the tank pad too much but its better than scraching up the paint, i might look for a clear one, but i will prob just leave it.

ACE is down the street i will look for those bolts.

i saw someone had used high temp spray paint i was thinking of doin that but i am not sure if its worth the work, and i dont have any money for black chrome, or anything fancy like that, hehe

and the tripple tree will be replaced soon with an after market one, so i can lower the front better without using the pingel risers and it looks better...

thanx for the great ideas vic, i appreciate it!


When you decide to get rid of the Pingel Risers, please let me know. I need a cheap ( I mean inexpensive..lol) way to lower the front of my bike.
When you decide to get rid of the Pingel Risers, please let me know. I need a cheap ( I mean inexpensive..lol) way to lower the front of my bike.
When you decide to get rid of the Pingel Risers, please let me know. I need a cheap ( I mean inexpensive..lol) way to lower the front of my bike.
Good luck on the sale.
Just seen your bike on ebay.
Doesn't work now, but if you look newly listed page 5 you see a pic of your bike and wife.
If you sell for $2900 like the ad says E, then I will take it.
And now my 100% stock '05 LE keeps asking when I'm gonna take HER out for new parts ...
Nice lookin' bike!
Good luck on the sale.
Just seen your bike on ebay.
Doesn't work now, but if you look newly listed page 5 you see a pic of your bike and wife.
If you sell for $2900 like the ad says E, then I will take it.
thats too funny, i just saw it listed but if you click it it says its no longer valid, crazy scammers, haha
if i sell the bike for 2,900 you got it bro...
and if i am crazy enough to sell it for that much then vic can have my wife! haha
Good luck on the sale.
Just seen your bike on ebay.
Doesn't work now, but if you look newly listed page 5 you see a pic of your bike and wife.
If you sell for $2900 like the ad says E, then I will take it.
thats too funny, i just saw it listed but if you click it it says its no longer valid, crazy scammers, haha
if i sell the bike for 2,900 you got it bro...
and if i am crazy enough to sell it for that much then vic can have my wife! haha
Craq, I'll offer a little more if you throw in the bonus.
I do not know if I posted in here yet but this is the greatest LE I have seen yet. What is the specs of your Vortex lowering links like the drop on rear and front?
I do not know if I posted in here yet but this is the greatest LE I have seen yet. What is the specs of your Vortex lowering links like the drop on rear and front?
thanx man!
its lowerd 1 inch on the front, and 1.25 in the rear,the middle hole, its just enough w/o having to worry about bottoming out but still being lower than stock, i dont think i would go any lower.