Update on my Dad's 4 month trip


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Update on my Dad's 4 month trip not good news

Just got a phone call about my father. For those that were following his trip from London to Magadan Siberia, the trip is over for him. He crashed yesterday. He hit a rut and went down. He should be home in California in a day or two. He has a seperated shoulder and some cuts and scrapes. He will have surgery when he gets home. Bike also has damage. It could have been worse considering they were in Russia and just getting to the middle of nowhere.
A life long dream comes to an early end, but I am glad I still have my father.

Just wanted to update those that were following the trip through the blogs and spotwalla.
I feel bad for him.
Sorry to hear for him Kevin.. That's a huge let down for him. :down:

But like you, I'm glad he's okay, he'll ride another day!
Bummer on the trip. Glad it wasn't worse and he will be ok. More man than I for he tried. :thumbsup:
How many miles did he wind up going?
Sad ending to an epic trip, I'm sure he will still have some stories to tell and you will be grateful that he is able to tell them to you.
Sorry about the bad news, Kevin. Glad he's gonna be alright though.
Man this really bummed me out, I can't imagine how bummed you guys gotta be. Like the others said. Its good you still have your dad and I hope he has a speedy recovery. I guess next time you better go with him and keep him inline.
He sounds like he knows what to do when he falls off the horse... Hope he has a speedy recovery and can finish what he started!
Prayers sent for a speedy recovery!!! It is sad his trip ended the way it did, but so glad it wasn't worse. This trip was still an epic adventure and something that few have ever attempted. :bowdown: (((hugs)))
Thank you everyone. When I get more information about what happened and how I will post up
sorry to hear it ended this way but good for him for giving it his all! pray he heals up quickly and can get back in the wind toward his next adventure :beerchug:
man that just bites but he is safe and coming home which is all that matters. I hope he heals up quickly and if he decides to go back and finish the trip he can do it :thumbsup:
Very Sorry to Hear, He didn't finish the trip, At least he covered some of the territory, and He'll have a hell of a story of how it ended. Very glad he's ok, And have a speedy recovery.