Update on progress

Pit Bull

Haven't been able to keep everyone posted, my computer got messed up(damn spyware & viruses), and I've been unable to get on the site(except @ work just to browse for a min.).
I picked up my exhaust gaskets & inner fairing pannel , took my 0-6 swingarm to the sandblaster, and am going to drop the swingarm off at the powdercoat shop on Mon. or Tues.
Should have enough progress by the end of the week to warrant some new pics.

Pit Bull
I bought STUNNAH's Muzzy after he got the Turbo. In the process of putting it on now. The pipe, swingarm, airbox mod, dogbones... can't wait to get it back together.

Pit Bull
Got the swingarm back from being sandblasted tonight, drop it off at the powdercoaters tomorrow, got a Reapers pair block of kit... Getting there - now ,if it would only warm up. My garage isn't heated and it's cold as $#%$ ! out there. I guess I just need to dress warm, turn up the boom box, and suck it up.

Pit Bull
Got the swingarm back from being sandblasted tonight, drop it off at the powdercoaters tomorrow, got a Reapers pair block of kit... Getting there - now ,if it would only warm up. My garage isn't heated and it's cold as $#%$ ! out there. I guess I just need to dress warm, turn up the boom box, and suck it up.

Pit Bull
Borrow a kerosene heater from somebody and get busy...
PitBull - Get a propane or kerosene heater. I use a Coleman 80,000BTU LP gas heater and it makes a world of difference. I searched for a link, but couldn't find a Coleman. Here's one I found at Lowes. They're about $100, but worth every penny.

LP Gas Heater
Yeah, I need to get me one of them heaters for when it dips way down below 40 during the winter here. Hehehehehehehe...
PitBull - Get a propane or kerosene heater.  I use a Coleman 80,000BTU LP gas heater and it makes a world of difference.  I searched for a link, but couldn't find a Coleman.  Here's one I found at Lowes.  They're about $100, but worth every penny.

LP Gas Heater
Thanks for the link stkr00. When funds allow I will get a Propane model - had a real bad experience with a Kerosene heater - but with all the money I'm spending on the 'Busa for mods + having to buy a new leather because I've outgrown it (It's for sale - see post in classifieds), but in the meantime, I'll just suck it up and dress warm & get to work.

Pit Bull

PS - Don't rub it in BulletTrain, or I'll mail you a snowball
Got the swingarm but didn't get to work on the 'Busa tonight. My kids met me at the driveway and wanted to play(It was/is snowing - got at least 5 inches today) they either wanted to ride their 4 wheelers or have me get mine out and pull them in the sled. So I got my Artic Cat 500 4x4 out and pulled them arround awhile. Then, I used it to plow my driveway.
I did get pics of the swingarm though. I think that it looks better than it did and will be easier to keep clean, etc.. than polishing or chrome. I got old Pics of the kids riding their quads, and before/after pics of the arm.

Pit Bull

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Pit...Just looking at it looks like that will be just as hard to keep clean...