Update on Bessie

OMG.. Pashnit is going to be so jealous of all those cool gadgets you guys put on there!
I am crying! That "rig exhaust" is just like what I see around here in redneck central :rofl: IT IS HOT!

:rofl: :rofl: LOVE THE MODS!! We must send in more $ for more amazing work from these fine oRg members! Shoot, when can I leave my bike in Kansas? Sign me up! :bowdown:
That guy in some of those pictures looks a bit like me. Who is he? :whistle:
You know McMustang has access to guns right? :laugh: He might be entering your houses co-ordinates on some crazy icbm right now.
I shoulda gave you guys my bike to put back together... I'm bummed it's just gonna look like it used to instead of that hi-tech, hot little number Shawn gets to ride!