UPDATED: GMbusa in severe accident - See post #88 for Hospital info

I had to go on the pills. I would be standing at my lift working on a bike and just start crying out of the blue. (When I was a Harley tech). For the first 5 years after my wreck I couldn’t watch any bike related accidents.. I would start going into panic attacks and flash backs.

On a positive note I now have a handicap placard I use and I’ve become a strong supporter of busting those parked in handicap spots that don’t belong.
GMbusa, I know what you have been going through. I was in an accident last Aug., just had my 7th surgery last Monday. Without my wife and family I would have blown my brains out months ago. I’m doing better now, but I will never be the same, mentality or physically. I’ll tell the whole story when the legal stuff is done. You sir, please take care of yourself, and know you have support here.
I had to go on the pills. I would be standing at my lift working on a bike and just start crying out of the blue. (When I was a Harley tech). For the first 5 years after my wreck I couldn’t watch any bike related accidents.. I would start going into panic attacks and flash backs.

On a positive note I now have a handicap placard I use and I’ve become a strong supporter of busting those parked in handicap spots that don’t belong.
There was nothing really wrong with you bro,see the highlighted words.It makes sense now right? Kiddin' man. Laughter is the best medicine.
As for the handicap spots...


:laugh: Taken to prove a point way back when with Busa # 2. Careful with the word handicap my friend...
"Some one out there,ain't gonna like it."
Physically or mentally challenged. :thumbsup: