updated pics of my 09 busa

yea that looks really stock. i just don't see what the big deal is. :laugh: nice ride! the saddle is pretty sick... very cool.
nice bike man..she shines beautifully!! im just gettin started on some mods myself. where did you get the frame cover piece that covers the part of frame with the spec sticker. i could only find covers that cover the part of the frame your leg covers. by the way, i think the blue light looks best.:bowdown:
the covers are from all things chrome there around $350 and had alot of people ask me where did i get my frame chromed at i just laugh and tell them its a cover there like i couldnt tell at all so i guess there pretty good quality
you guys really think the Busa can be TOO loud??!! I'm running no cans right now and I don't think it's too loud. Cops just watch me go by. Actually had one beside me at a stop light say that it sounded good. I do want the Voodoo tips though. They look good.
yeah nice bike, nice touch with the spikes too. Stuff like that and the fatty kit are on my wish list but im broke... laying the bike down doesnt help either:whistle: