nice bike. Some raised white letter tires would look pretty mean on that rig. Would compliment the hot rod look. Congrats!
Luckily you still have a Busa in the family.
Just kidding, I hear this latest generation is good and reliable. You'll find a lot more opportunity to go on group rides whith yoiur Harley. It's about 10 to one around here.
Thanks all... I appreciate the props... and the razing too!
We, yes even LadyHawk, did a poker run yesterday for breast cancer... "Bikers for Boobs"~ Didn't win anything.. I think I had the best hand of our little group, with a pair of jacks~ It was a good ride though and we all got way too much sun! Drank lots of water, but got burnt pretty good~
For those that know, the NightTrain has a 96ci motor, which is basically a 1550cc~ Fuel injected and does, knocking on wood, appear to be pretty reliable~ I had the oil changed over to synthethic with the first service, but still plan to change it all over to Amsoil as soon as possible~ These bikes will treat you as well as you treat them... and I plan to take real good care of 'er~
She may not do 180, but does pull through the gears nicely when asked~ The pipes really bark up a storm when doing so, also~ It's actually quite enjoying to play along side LadyHawk as we're crossing the bridges.. and really helps build her confidence as she pulls away from me and puts that 20 car gap between us! I just smile and wave... it's all good~
Mike had drag bars on his 1200 and after I finally got around to taking his HD for a spin, I just knew I had my Harley set up all was a blast to ride his 1200 (don't tell him I said that) and it honestly pushed me more toward getting a bike with that riding style, hence the Busa
The bike looks great GJoker! It really does...glad to hear you're having so much fun!
I still wave at everyone... it has actually surprised me with how many sportbikers won't wave back~ Guess the word got out that I was pulled over to the darker side...
just a thought here ........... and i am not sure if one is made or available, but ........
since you have removed the rear pegs, is there a "solo" seat available for the night train? that would look sweet and help give the bike a more custom look.
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