UPS delivery Service

Tell your friend to tell those low life MFers to go work somewhere else if they dont like the pay. Go dig a ditch or shovel shiit. I am tired of everyone bitching about money. Obviously they arent smart enough to go elsewhere.
I started this post since my friend works for the Sunnyvale hub and he seen things that is wrong but notthing was done to correct the problem and he told me it is not all the loaders and handlers that are bad apples,just a few.It is the same for the motorcycle industry,you have some bad dealers and you have alot of good dealers,it's just the bad one's make the others look bad. I ordered a Toshiba 40"Widescreen HDTV ready via the net and it came delivered by UPS on time and with no damage two weeks ago.I also ordered the stand for the TV last week and it came with no damage.Both items have glass products used and I guess if you package and box it correctly it should not get damage.I'm happy with UPS service and as my friend who works at UPS said it's only a few who are either lazy or a bad worker that make the rest of the company look bad.
I use to work for a paging company and there wasnt ever, and I am being serious, a box of pagers that just happened to be ripped open, torn on the corner or retaped, by someone in transit at UPS. Motorola had to start using special tape so the recipiant could tell if it had been opened and retaped. What a bunch of friggin monkeys!
KawAbuser "YOU DA MAN" !!!!
Boy am I glad I work for the Hayabusa company and not that other ZX-12 one!

Cisco San Jose
I bet you never thought you would start all this S.H.I.T. here with a simple post.

Don't throw away that "FIRE RETARDANT SUIT" I may need it for Todd.

Sorry to hear that FedEx could not find your house. Look at it this way, if they can't find your house, no one can find your BUSA to steal it. :)

UPS got your goat! :)

Ok let's make peace with UPS and FedEx. They are both good companies and like all companies have employees, some better than others. I know 201mph and myself will try our best to get everything delivered to all the members, especially the Hi-Performance parts.

Ride Safe, Bob
I've had no problems with UPS and nearly everything I buy (besides food) comes via UPS since I live in the middle of nowhere. I'm not kidding. I buy computers & accessories, cycle gear, car parts, pet food, clothes, shoes (size 14), vitamins, CDs, toys for kids, electronics, tires etc etc. I've also shipped a lot of car parts via UPS. I've only had a few problems with FedEx but they don't have a local office here like UPS. Thumbs up to the brown trucks for me. Friday night they delivered a package to me at 9pm at night! FedEx won't deliver past 4:30 pm - they have a long drive (90+ miles) back to their office and I did experience one major hassle with a recent FedEx COD from Kawabuser since FedEx wouldn't communicate their estimated delivery time with me as requested. I had to take off work and wait until they decided to show up. Not to mention they (FEx) couldn't find my house until I gave them directions even though anyone can bring up a nice map of my street on That was on a Friday and I provided exact directions by NOON and they still aborted an attempt to deliver until MONDAY. I know some people have had problems with UPS but they have sure treated me well whereas I've had a few problems with FedEx. The local UPS guys have never had a problem finding my house either. The FedEx drivers are out of OKC - 90+ miles to the north. As far as not calling back - well my problem has been with FED EX. Not only did they not call back as I TWICE requested to give me an estimated time of delivery they have still never called back in regards to the complaint I filed concerning this matter. (it's been about two weeks now)

[This message has been edited by Todd (edited 20 February 2000).]
Todd, I wish you told me about that situation. I apologize on my end.

Don't take me wrong about UPS - I went there to open an account, and got the "U is to small a business to concern us attitude so far".

I want to ship UPS ground and offer the customer his/her choice choice of shipping.
But walking into a UPS site with twenty boxes to process paperwork is a bit unreasonable when I live in a small town with an International Airport and my choice of shipping services.

I will still not ship or recieve UPS international on the advise of my Customs Broker.
When or if the UPS account rep decides to call I will address the Int. shipping then.

Can't wait till spring then I can fire up the "Hayabusa Delivery Service", when it absoluety has to be there NOW/ Yesterday!
Michael - the problems I had with FedEx were NOT your fault and probably has more to do with my location and the distance between our town and the FedEx regional office. They did finally deliver and that's the most important thing but I had to take off a half day of work on Friday and when it didn't show up one of my kids stayed home from school on Monday since I had a meeting I had to attend. I twice requested and was assured by FedEx they would call to let me know the approx time of delivery so some one could be home with the COD. I even requested to leave the COD on the door (my house is isolated enough to do this) but they refused. They never did call and fortunately after Friday's problems I didn't expect them to and took measures to make sure my daughter stayed home from school Monday to receive it. It was disheartening considering the $30 I paid for FedEx to deliver. UPS is much more customer friendly when it comes to these matters. They have returned multiple times at specified times if needed. They leave a notice allowing the customer multiple options in order to receive the package since they weren't home. They will also allow the customer to pick up the shipment themselves if they want. UPS has even left large shipments (like car tires/wheels) on my back porch (without my asking) to avoid theft. Went through a gate etc to get it there. Then the 9pm delivery last Friday when everyone else is out having a good time. That's service!