VA ride - Saturday, June 25th

It is ok if I bring some non-busa riding (can you believe these people still exist) folk with me on this outing isn't it?  I don't want to ride from Lynchburg (170 miles) by my lonesome!

I'm just a widdle guy
Wait! BIG Sloppy's a widdle guy?! I don't believe it...

I'll be riding with the Harley riding hubby, so ANY BIKE is welcome...
All: I am 50/50 right now. Have a family matter that came up and is very important. I'll do my best to get it worked out before Sat. Ride safe..... and the shirts are on the way for the July ride.

All: I am 50/50 right now. Have a family matter that came up and is very important. I'll do my best to get it worked out before Sat. Ride safe..... and the shirts are on the way for the July ride.

Hope everything will be okay Tom...take care of family first...
Hey Martin, what time do ya think you'll be in Warrenton @ Rte 17/29 ..south side sheetz gimme a call when you get a chance... Actually for anyone on this thread... my cell is 703-932-1704
Anyone else going? We need a pretty firm head count so we don't leave anyone behind...
in addition to the who's gonna be at the welcome center.... who is planning to meet us at the Diamond in Richmond around 8-830a
Definately dont want to leave anyone behind there
Have a good day everyone. My boss just called and told me I needed to meet him at the golf course so I'll be out the rest of the day. I'll check in later today for any changes. I'll see zukracer and whoever else @ Bills in the AM.

Look forward to meeting everyone.

hmm, no Postal is going to be EARLY.

Hey Postal, you should meet us in Richmond around 830 at the Diamond and head down with us