Va Summer Ride

Hey kids,
Mind if the old guy from Richmond joins in?

Welcome 2W1300! But it looks like you will be the "kid" in the pack. Hope you can make the ride.

I'll take that title thank you......

Not sure how aged the rest are but I've only aged 30.....
I'm good with the June 25th date, will be out of town 16th of July, but other than that I'm pretty open.
25JUN2005 works for me...ride route looks good too. I remember on the Fall ride we had a bit of interstate riding to do and made quick work of it! The only thing is though, I HAVE DIBS ON THE 2ND SPOT ON POSTAL'S TRAILER!!! I'm special, I am the mailman's, really, I am...really.
25JUN2005 works for me...ride route looks good too.  I remember on the Fall ride we had a bit of interstate riding to do and made quick work of it!  The only thing is though, I HAVE DIBS ON THE 2ND SPOT ON POSTAL'S TRAILER!!!  I'm special, I am the mailman's, really, I am...really.
You got it man! The trailier thing that is.... I know you aren't my kid.... Jackie Gleason, Smokey and the Bandit... "There is no way that you came from my loins! When I get home I'm gonna punch your momma right in the mouth!"

How about riding down together? If Ms. Postal goes we will trailer down the night before though. You are welcome to trailer with us.

June 25th is good for me too...zuk's proposed route is good...

Leave it up to an NC guy to plan the VA ride!
ROFL! You are a funny man Tom! Wow...that brought back a flood of memories! Jackie Gleason was a funny, funny man! The trip down there sounds like a plan! We can catch 2 Wheeler 1300 and strap his ride on top or something...or at least wave as we go by!
JK. I'm sure keeping up will not be a problem. I'm still geeking out over this ride.

Hey VaBusa, what's the route you're talking about? I'm not sure if I missed something or if this is a ride you guys have done before...???
The proposed route is in page 7 or 8 of the VA Spring Ride thread...check it out! 2 should be able to keep up with a US Post office truck/van pulling 2 Hayabusa's!!! We are going to use the truck, right Dad...I mean Tom? People LOVE the truck...
Hey Group,
Looks like June 25th is rising to the top of possible dates...
unfortunately for me, I'm pretty much locked for June with
Americade and the Honda Hoot. However, what I would like to throw out is a sort of "doubleheader". That is, those who are willing and able do the 25th or some other date in June do it and have a second ride...same route or modifications as may be necessary and desirable based on feedback from the 1st ride...July 16th! Any thoughts? Honestly, I'm just looking for any excuse to ride July 16th, somebody, anybody help me!!
Ride safe,
June 25th is good for me too...zuk's proposed route is good...

Leave it up to an NC guy to plan the VA ride!  
hehe, well I'm a VA boy, born and bread, just happen to live in NC now

So what say us all? June 25th or July 16th?

Guess we can take that route I posted and massage it as needed, like where to really stop for lunch in Va Beach. I'll toss together some kinda weekend plan for folks to mull over. Any interest in the amusement park(s) there? (Bush Gardens/Water Country) If we have enough interested we might be able to pull some group discounts

June 25th is good for me too...zuk's proposed route is good...

Leave it up to an NC guy to plan the VA ride!  
hehe, well I'm a VA boy, born and bread, just happen to live in NC now

So what say us all?  June 25th or July 16th?  

Guess we can take that route I posted and massage it as needed, like where to really stop for lunch in Va Beach.  I'll toss together some kinda weekend plan for folks to mull over.  Any interest in the amusement park(s) there?  (Bush Gardens/Water Country)  If we have enough interested we might be able to pull some group discounts
Busch Gardens is in Willliamsburg...I've got seasons passes, but I can tell you a day in there isn't cheap...let me find some info and post it up.


Okay, Busch Gardens link...

You're looking at nearly $50 for a single day pass...

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Anybody trying to ride today? I'm thinking about heading out of Richmond today around 2:00 or so. Destination currently unknown.
BTW, I've got a double-bike trailer, but currently no vehicle to haul it. If anyboby is interested in providing a vehicle, perhaps we could help each other out. (2 inch ball)

BTW,  I've got a double-bike trailer, but currently no vehicle to haul it.  If anyboby is interested in providing a vehicle, perhaps we could help each other out.  (2 inch ball)
Warren ... I'll take dibs on the 2nd spot in your trailer and we can use my truck ... 2 inch ball not a problem. I'll be bringing the missus again for some 2-up riding!
ok, so are we calling this one on the 25th of June or July 16th? either date really doesnt matter to me really. July would allow for a pre-ride of sorts.... Not sure I could pull off a pre-ride before June 25th but maybe someone local could work out the small details

I'd say that we could all meet down there around 8-830, head out around 9am, stop for an hourish at the first historic site, families could follow us out there (great for kids) and then we could head for the beach around 10-1030a to arrive in the 1130-1200 time frame. Have a nice lunch, get back on the road by 1-130ish and head back for the ferry? Then stop at the next historic site for an hourish around 2-230pm with any families that wanted to meet there, again great for kids, then head back to the williamsburg colonial area for the afternoon with the family/friends. Meet somewhere for a group dinner, then if anyone was up for the theme parks on Sunday, we could see about a group rate or something?

Again the thought of the route I cooked up was more family entertainment with riding through some nice scenery mixed in rather than the turn/burn kinda ride. If you have kids this one could be great fun
also they could ride with you on certain legs of the trip as the speed limits are low and would be short legs allowing for fun/scenery.