Vacation time

I have been with the same company now for 34 years and they provide me with 5 weeks of annual leave or you guys call it vacation leave ? a year plus I have accumulated over 1500 hours of long service leave which I have not used yet just saving it for a rainy day :banana: Just hope they don t force us to use it because the company now are forcing us to take annual leave if it goes above 300 hours I work 4 days on and 4 days off so I don t use much of my annual leaves :thumbsup:
Hi. I like to work long and hard so my bike has a better life.
I accrue 300 hours a year basically. Hard to take it all. I come back to messes and often get bothered while on vaca. I have taken to camping and fishing in remote areas so my cell does not work :) I will be doing that a lot more next year. I also do a sell back each year 2 times of 100 hrs each time. nice bonus check so to speak.
I accrue 300 hours a year basically. Hard to take it all. I come back to messes and often get bothered while on vaca. I have taken to camping and fishing in remote areas so my cell does not work :) I will be doing that a lot more next year. I also do a sell back each year 2 times of 100 hrs each time. nice bonus check so to speak.
Hi. They only let us sell 20 hrs a year. I would like to sell the 232 hrs. The bike could sure use the money. If I had F1 money the bike would have been done in 1 year.
burning some use it or loss it hrs. figured i use the new tv i never use to catch up on some old tv shows.

My first real job (with benefits) was in the early 70s. To start I got five weeks annual leave each year. I also had a 1970 CB7540-4 that was jetted, piped and bored to 852cc with a Powroll kit. One year I took all five weeks at once and took my first tour thru several states. It was sooo nice to be off for weeks and still have time to recoup before going back. It felt like I didn’t even have a job after 3-4 weeks. :D Since 2015, I’ve been on permanent vacation and I wouldn’t have it any other way. Planning ahead really paid off.
....yep, something to be said about being on permanent vacation.....been that way myself since 2016....haven't worn a wrist watch since.
I worked for a firm that mandated a 2-week paid working vacation for management. You could do what you wanted and then you gave a presentation on what you did and how it will make you a better manager.

I went on a motorcycle tour of southwest Virginia and photographed old farm structures. That was pretty amazing, especially doing it on a Busa. Sorry, some really awesome pictures got lost on a hard disk crash. I did the photos in B&W and my brand new silver 09 looked surreal in front of a semi-collapsed barn.

Another year I spent a week with high school students building robots. I traded the second week for a grant for supplies. That was fun and they went on to win the state robotics competition, not because of me I might add those kids were amazing.

My last year I worked for 2 weeks at one of those Maker places. It was just starting and I basically worked on several people's projects. Worked with fiberglass, metal, wood. Very fun.

That company really had the right idea as far as energizing management. They definitely lived the if you love what you do you never have to work philosophy. Unfortunately, they didn't figure out how to pay for all that!
I had about 60 days of sick leave accrued but the only time I used any of it was when they made me quarantine for two whole weeks when I had Covid and bronchitis.

What do you think, can I use sick time to do other things when I'm not sick? I have personal days but only 3 per year. I'd like to interview but I sure would hope to do more than just three.