Vegas Ride Pics

It was nice meeting BA Busa, dl9669, and O up at redrock on friday afternoon, - I couldnt make the other rides.

Very nice fellas. We had a good conversation. - I went home and immediately did the hump mod -At least the dremel part so that I could put it on with the grab bar. Came out nice.

As far as Hooters moving to sahara, LOL!!! - Its been there for the last 9 years. There is a Hooters on Sunset, but that aint tropicana. - It's closer to trop though.

Anyway, nice to meet you guys. Take care.
Dman I missed one hell of a ride and experience. I am glad my SCS brethren were able to show you guys a good time. Oh yeah, this is not too hot yet...:blush:

But if I am here for anutha Busa run I will def join you guys. See you in Cali!!!!
Hey, all you Vegas guys. Anyone have anything to do with the culinary union out there? I know a couple of people, and they keep asking me to visit. I'll have to come on out. the ride sounds awesome. I just wish I knew so many people were from Vegas when I took the scooter out there for Christmas.

Great pics! Sounds like you all had a great trip/ride!
Hey guys, it was good meeting you all on the Lake Mead ride Sunday. Other than the 100+ degree temps and the "loose gravel/fresh oil" signs on the Glendale road, it was a great ride. I just wish I had more bike to keep up with you guys. Anyway, take it easy and come back soon.

Eric (big guy on the little SV)
Awsome Big-O--long time no here from you---sounds like it was fun--thanks for postin' it up.
Check T-Foxes thread about track days--Gaawwwd i hit 143 about 55 times today. out of 66 laps.
Gps recorded. I am one tired old man and soon to be 54--and got 5 Millers in me now. It's all good.
Busa is a rocket--what they said--hmmm i agree.
1st stop around Lake Mead. We had to make fun of the squids that came by with no shirt...shorts and when he tried to pop the wheelie all he could do was baby hops....Didn't get them in the shot though.

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All in all it was a great ride and a great time to meet people from the board. Other than bikes over heating from our search for the "mystical Hooters on Tropicana" it was a lot of fun. Big O maybe next year they will have the new one actually on Tropicana.
Charles/Julie hope you guys made it back ok.

I'll let the rest of the guys tell you about the rest of the stuff while I get my Flame proof suit on.

Last but not least, a million thanks to Erin, who took care of us.  Doc, you've got a winner there.
Flame proof suit  
you should have had that one on for the DEATH VALLEY  

Thanks to Erin for putting up with us.