Vehicle Safety Inspection

I had forgotten about the "fail" stickers.... The "Scarlet" letter as it were
Every year in Pa. New,used,bike,car it doesnt matter. It's best to make an appointment. I've never got an inspection by just driving to the garage. It's not Mcdonalds. If you do all the work yourself thats great. Just build a relationship with a smaller local inspection station and chances are they will just give you a sticker at inspection time. Since they know you take car of your vehicles.
been going to the same little garage for the last 15 years or so... now it's up to $14.50, but I drive in yada yada all is good...gimme yo $$$...see ya later
We don't have any of that BS in my area of Ohio. Some counties have emissions testing. The state troopers get enough in ticket money!
I had to get my very first car inspected here in SC,, drive in guys asks if everything works you say yes, pay the 3 bucks and get a new sticker. Could be the reason they did away with them.. I use to see cars leaving shops pouring smoke out the tail pipes with e shiney new inspection sticker in the window.. As of right now we have no kind of inspections, but I have heard of bully cops giving tickets for lound pipes on bikes. Even saw a ticket for "exessive noise" on a 2006 GSXR600 with a stock pipe..
We did away with it many years ago, same problems most of you are having. The people got tired of being turned away because no mechanics wanted to mess with it.
Are our roads any more dangerous? Who knows?
I was glad to see it go away. The system was broke and fixing it would have required way too much money.
They sucked in Missouri. Had my bike inspected and the guy rode the bike around, found out later they don't have to ride the bike. Pissed me off.
I live in Va and it's a yearly thing. It's sucks, BUT, it is a good thing. It makes people keep their stuff in better shape. When I go to Md or Tn I see stuff on the road that shouldn't be. Broken down cars seem everywhere.  Little things that can be easily fixed is what some people fail to do.

Forcing people to have their vehicles in good working order makes for a safer enviorment for us riders and drivers. I agree, if it was for safety purposes only, the amount charged could be alot less. The state knows they can and will make money off of this.

I can't believe I'm saying this but I'm for the inspection sticker. I just wish it was half it's size.