Very sad day


Dis in my way!
Staff member
I got a call this morning that one of our sunday school members was in ICU We have a little different group in that we go to a class called faith riders which is made up of nothing but fellow bikers. John was admitted with headaches on Sunday and they took the vent off a few hours ago because his brain has menengitis. He is expected to die in just a few minutes. While we wait I have been thinking of my other friends and family you all.

To those of you that are out there that I have met or that I call a friend ( most of you) I want you to know that friends are easy to find but sometimes diffict to find time for.

As I sit in this waiting room I desire to see my friends, to make sure that I live life to the fullest with no regrets and that there are no I'll feelings or misunderstandings with by brothers.

I pray safety and long lives for you all.

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That is some sad news, prayers go out to John's family and friends.

Tomorrow is promised to no man, live today as full as possible!
My heart and prayers to go out to you, your friend and his family. I am very sorry Doug. Menengitis is going around bad in this part of the country, Oolagah has lost a few elementary school children. Again, I am very sorry.
I am so sorry to hear about your friend. He has been truely blessed to have called you and Kristie his friends. My thoughts and prayers are with John, his family and all his friends. (((hugs)))
thats aweful. being in nv i just heard about the menigitus going around there yesterday.

i think one problem with this afflitction is the way its passed, easily if im not mistaken.....

everyone may want to read up on symptoms and prevention of this for your own family...

best wishes to all involved.
my prayers go out to your friend John also, any friend of yours is a friend of mine, that said i hope he is comfortable and in not much pain as he passes, truely sad, prayers sent to you and his family and friends...
i'm sorry to hear about this CAp! prayers sent for everyone involved
thats aweful. being in nv i just heard about the menigitus going around there yesterday.

i think one problem with this afflitction is the way its passed, easily if im not mistaken.....

everyone may want to read up on symptoms and prevention of this for your own family...

best wishes to all involved.

your right it can be passed easily there are two forms viral and bacterial, bacterial being the bad stuff, I know this because we almost lost my daughter from it when she was 3...
I hate hearing this type of news. Its amazing how sometimes something like this has to happen to allow us to see how important family and friends are.

Prayers sent.