Very sad news


Sorry to hear about your loss Julia. Never met Bog, but sounds like he was loved by alot of people. R.I.P Bog.
Thanks for the pics Greg...I went looking for them yesterday on the bcsportbike site and found one of he and Julia...having never met him, I can tell that any one of us would have found him to be a wonderful friend...his friends have nothing but kind words for him...he's sorely heart goes out to everyone that knew him...
Greg, GREAT pix!!! I found myself going through the Laguna pix from last year reminiscing on the fun we had!! I am so sad about this and feel so for Julia.. Bog was a great guy and will be sorely missed.....

R.I.P. Bog...........

Julia, I am very sorry to hear about Bog. My thoughts are with you. If there is anything any of us can do just say the word.
Sorry to hear about the loss of someone who seemed like a very friendly person, always smiling, loved by his friends...

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Beeing in Bellingham, WA, I have yet to have the chance to meet you Julia and by extention Bog. I am very sorry to hear this news and am sure your life is upside down right now. I am certain from reading all the posts that anything you need will be taken care of but if there is anything we can do to help, don't hesitate. Thoughts are also with the rest of his family.
Met you two at Laguna last year, and although our meeting was brief, Bog did leave an everlasting impression on me. I am very sorry Julia. R.I.P. Bog for GOD's grace will see you through...

I'm so upset about this I am very sorry for your loss Julia. Below are Bogs, Julia's & my busa's line up at Cannery row as he had asked me to keep an eye on em for a while. I wish I had him in the shot.

Sorry for ya'lls lose!!!
Think and Lo and Hawaii,
GREAT pics. Kinda put's things into perspective.

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Julia, I'll be praying for you and Bogs family.....
(The pic's really hit home) I know words can't take away the pain of losing someone close. But, rest assured you have a support group here at the Org....... Ks
Two years ago, I was fortunate enough to meet Bog, Julia and about thirty five other Canadian riders up at Sumas for a great ride through Rattle Snake Road and then on down to the Oyster Run in Anacortes.

I had the chance to talk with Bog and can tell all that have never met him that he was great to talk to. He made you feel like what you had to say was the only thing that mattered.

He was a great rider, always willing to allow those that were new to adjust to the pack and fall behind watching and guiding, but more than willing to press forward to the front and pressure any of us that held that rank.

This news is devastating. My true thoughts and prayers for Julia, for Bog's family and all of his colleagues and friends.

May he rest in peace knowing he touched a lot of lives and was loved by more than he knew.