Veterinarian bills are getting

Maybe the current Administration can figure out a way to implement a "Pet Healthcare" insurance plan :whistle:

My Company ins plan covers pets believe it or not. just started it 2 yrs ago.

I personally am NOT an animal lover but have friends who have used the coverage and its the same as my medical coverage expenses
Heres Buddy.
I had him for 17yrs and I am sure he cost me as much as any child would have to that point..
Toward the end he developed a prob with eye which you can see. Rather than having it removed and have him deal with open dry socket I left it in and treated it with drops daily to keep swelling down.
In the end it was a losing battle but other probs developed.
This pic was taken toward his end when he developed untreatable tumors and I had to put him to sleep.
Cant finish typing without crying.. He urn is on top of my safe in the office right next to his lifelong companion Dolly who had a stroke after he passed and joined him. The two of them were inseparable for 17yrs.
We got them the same day. When we lived in TN Dolly would sit and wait on the front porch for Buddy to come home from roamin the hood.
They slept in same bed every night.

'Where the Red Fern Grows' True life story...

King Bud !.jpg

Dolly 009.jpg
hey gang...

you do realise there is such a thing as pet health insurance, and its usually pretty cheap..

almost alway worth its weight in gold, as it covers most everything...

i dont think i have ever had a dog with out it..

some recomendations for those who are interested..

ASPCA- Pet Insurance for Dogs & Cats from ASPCA Pet Health Insurance
VPI- Veterinary Pet Insurance (VPI) - Dog Insurance, Cat Insurance, Pet Health Insurance

SPCA tends to be a little harder to get insurance through, VPI less so..

policys are GENERALLY ballpark of 20-40 bucks a month depending on breeds, level of coverages, etc etc etc...

has saved me SIGNIFICANT amounts of money...

also, if your looking for something a little more low key, i believe its petsmart's Banfield clinics, offer a "wellness plan" which offer discounts on most services (significant ones from what i have seen with my own eyes) and free check ups/teeth cleanings etc...

which considering a real teeth cleaning(not just you fighting them with a tooth brush with doggy toothpaste on it) on a dog generally requires anastesia, it quickly pays for the cost..

just something to consider...