Things are getting better.


You might remember the post I done about having difficulty with cornering and how with the help of the org I stopped having the problems, well yesterday I took my girlfriend for a ride, took the bike over the car park again (this place is becoming like my second home) she got on and I walked the bike about 20ft then just drove normal, out of the car park and on the roads, she loved it she's not been on the back of a bike for 29 years, the only thing was I thought she was going to fall off when I accelerated hard, to me she felt like she was leaning right back but she said she wasn't so I'll know next time. Went to a couple of pubs where my mates drink (no we didn't drink) a couple of them said I'm crazy at my age to get a bike I'm 55 and some others didn't believe I had a bike unless i showed them it to them, yea I know tormenting me, had a couple of cars try to burn me off but I just ignored them as I knew they would have no chance if I opened her up, it was a nice morning out. Also where I live there are a lot of moderately twisty roads not to tight, so it gives me a chance to run the tyres in and all This started when the org helped me with advice on cornering, thanks ever one.
sounds like you are having a good time which is what it is all about...just continue to practice, practice, practice as that will help you continue to improve and save you when things go wrong one day :beerchug:
You are having fun, life is about enjoying the ride. Good job and glad you are doing well. We will always be here to help you out. :beerchug: