Victim of Hit N' Run

Glad to hear you kept it upright and under control...I think many would have panicked and lost it totally.

Now I've got to ask...why on earth didn't you immediatly pull over and call the police? That idiot almost robbed you of your life, botched up your bike and purposely took off without giving a damn about you and you had to ask your insurance agent later on whether or not you should call the police? DUDE, MAKE THAT SOB PAY!!!!

Screw waiting until Moday, the police dept. doesn't have 9 to 5 Monday through Friday hours...go there now and have them track down and arrest that azzhole for hit and run and press charges! He's already going to say he didn't realize he hit you, now waiting around to call the police and waiting several days to file a police report is going to just make you look bad.

Also not sure how it is in CA but in IN if all you have is liability along with uninsured/underinsured you NEED to have the other guy at fault. If it's a hit and run and he gets away you're SOL. If you have full coverage you're fine but the collision is going to reflect on your record.

Good luck and nail that idiot to the wall.
glad you made it out ok, get the bike fixed and keep on doin that thang
You saw him coming and he still got you... Pisser...

Remember bro, we're tiny out there, there is all kinds of escape routes and we can use our power and agility to stay the hell out of this kinda thing...

Fuggin Cagers...
Thank goodness you were able to keep it up on 2 wheels. Keep us posted on the outcome of your charges against the cager.
nice job staying up + keeping it together to get this jack-a$$'s info. file a report ASAP, dude....

glad you're all-right; the stupidity that plays out on a daily basis on the LA highways is astonishing...
You reacted the right way and you are OK. the vibration is probaly the muffler tube toching the peg.
Glad to hear you kept it upright and under control...I think many would have panicked and lost it totally.

Now I've got to ask...why on earth didn't you immediatly pull over and call the police? That idiot almost robbed you of your life, botched up your bike and purposely took off without giving a damn about you and you had to ask your insurance agent later on whether or not you should call the police? DUDE, MAKE THAT SOB PAY!!!!

Screw waiting until Moday, the police dept. doesn't have 9 to 5 Monday through Friday hours...go there now and have them track down and arrest that azzhole for hit and run and press charges! He's already going to say he didn't realize he hit you, now waiting around to call the police and waiting several days to file a police report is going to just make you look bad.

Also not sure how it is in CA but in IN if all you have is liability along with uninsured/underinsured you NEED to have the other guy at fault. If it's a hit and run and he gets away you're SOL. If you have full coverage you're fine but the collision is going to reflect on your record.

Good luck and nail that idiot to the wall.
I called the Ventura CHP that evening after I called my insurance, after I calmed down. The CHP girl said that it's okay since I have 10 business days to report it since there were now injuries. She also said that I should take the bike down to the nearest CHP station so they can take pictures of the damages to go with the report. Seems this is not considered a emergency to them since no one got hurt. I'll see what happens on Monday & let you guys know. but in the meantime, the bike is ridable.
Man... how were you able to get away unscaved? great riding, glad this idiot didn't take you out- sorry about your bike, I got alot of connections if you need anything, just let me know.
Glad you are OK.. good for you for keeping your head and getting out of that situation with just that much damage.

I hope they get him and make him pay .. he needs to learn a  lesson.

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WOW! I'm glad you came out of that one! Glad you got the plates and that he or she didn't get the best of you!!! Go get 'em!!! I'm not sure I would be brave enough to ride on those freeways. Seems when I go down to visit friends and we ride home (in a car) I'm holding on for dear life!!!! Much different than here!
Good to see YOU are okay
Sorry about your bike.

I would pursue this as far as possible. Don't let this moron get away with this.

Good Luck!

...the least these guy a can do is pull over and see if the biker needs any help!! Sort things out the gentalman's way...
The really bad part is that even if you had gone down, the azz likely would not have stopped...thank goodness you didn't go down...

I'm glad you're okay; hope the CHP get with this guy and give him a scare...good luck getting the Busa fixed ASAP...
Went to the Alta Dena CHP today and filed the report. Filled out about 5 pages of questions! But one of the cops behind the counter was cool enough to run the license plate to verify and yes, it came back registered to a Toyota. So it's a valid plate.

Spoke with insurance adjuster. I got the feeling they're going to drag this a bit to see if that other guy got insurance. What difference does it make?! I have uninsured motorist, which covers hit & run where I can id the hitter. Which in this cause I did, down to the gold letters on the back of the car. I can see the shortfalls of dealing with a small time insurance company.

Should hear something by the end of this week. Funny thing is when I left the CHP station to get on the freeway, there was this Hollywood pretty boy type in a Audi TT with his typical Hollywood girlfriend and wanted to race me. The temptation got the better of me: From the time we both made a left turn onto the on ramp to the time I was officially on the freeway to merge in, my speedo was saying 120... Just upshifted into 3rd gear. Shift side bracket maybe a bit bent, but the shifter is still working
Glad your OK.....It happened to me in NYC last Sept. and the dumb ##### took off.......Thank God someone got her plate #....Still not right after 2 operations so ju remember it could have been worse. Ride Safe
Glad your OK.....It happened to me in NYC last Sept. and the dumb ##### took off.......Thank God someone got her plate #....Still not right after 2 operations so ju remember it could have been worse. Ride Safe
Sucks that yours was that bad. So I hope you sued the crap out of her since you got her plates. Take her house/apartment, car, everything and put her out on Bowery street. Where was your operation on?

Yeah, the cop at the CHP station was a bit skeptical when I told him I didn't go down. Then when he came outside to look at the scratches and saw what was obviously tire scuffs on my can from that Camry's side tire, he said I was basically one lucky #######.
Just to keep this so this post don't get lost on me. I called my insurance adjuster this past Thursday and he's still waiting for the result back from the DMV. He didn't mention that there was a claim filed against me so I don't think the cager filed a report.