Video Hwy 70 Nor Cal


Hayabusa Immortal
Donating Member
Lets see if I did this right ... I am trying a different vid host as Youtube was frustrating me.

This is Cal hwy 70 the feather river canyon. Me & Ironman ( R1 ) and JoeCrete ( ZX12 )

Couldnt embed it sorry, link works though.
I bet that is fun picking a line between the pavement patches in the corners :) nice vid :)
Great vid.:thumbsup:
I use Vimeo sometimes too. Good if you have something that goes a little past YouTube's 10 minute limit.
Funny thing there at the end, we stopped and talked about the Cop we saw a ways back. Me and ZX 12 slowed but the R1 didnt see em when we did. He thought he was nailed... :laugh: