I'm 22 with 2 tickets, and when I first got my Busa it was over $1900.00 a year to insure even with my multi bike discount. Four months later I switched my primary vehicle from my Bandit 600 to my Bandit 400. My rate for the Hayabusa dropped to $872 a year full coverage. Two weeks ago I added a sidecar to the Bandit 400, and when my rates came back the Busa was now $423 with both tickets still on my record. In the period of 5 months, I've gone from nearly $3000 a year for three bikes to barely $800 (and this is total, not balance remaining for the year). Anybody else using Allstate? If not, I highly recommend them!
Even turbocharged, my Busa will remain $423, they just won't cover the turbo if the bike is stolen.