Wacky insurance rates from Allstate


I'm 22 with 2 tickets, and when I first got my Busa it was over $1900.00 a year to insure even with my multi bike discount. Four months later I switched my primary vehicle from my Bandit 600 to my Bandit 400. My rate for the Hayabusa dropped to $872 a year full coverage. Two weeks ago I added a sidecar to the Bandit 400, and when my rates came back the Busa was now $423 with both tickets still on my record. In the period of 5 months, I've gone from nearly $3000 a year for three bikes to barely $800 (and this is total, not balance remaining for the year). Anybody else using Allstate? If not, I highly recommend them! :) Even turbocharged, my Busa will remain $423, they just won't cover the turbo if the bike is stolen.
I don't own a hayabusa, but my dad does and he's getting his for $800, (CDN). As for me, I'm 17 and own a 2000 R6 and I pay $1500 without Collision because they gave me a qoute and stood by it. They classify me as a "high risk factor" :) I'm the only guy this young with a bike he told me, other then that he would not insure me until I was 18. That's why most guys don't get a bike like this at 17. When I turn 18 full coverage would be almost 3000 +

I'm happy with my price :)
Is that for full coverage? WHat deductable?

I'm 36, shiney record and my 2000 'busa is $530 6 months with Allstate. Full coverage (col, comp, liab) in Phoenix with $500 deductable. $100 deduct would have been 700+ I have 2 other cars with them. There is a $325 surcharge every six months for this "class" of bike.

Does anyone else pay a surcharge?
I couldn't even get insurance from my company, and they are insuring my house and 3 cars. They said it was ON THE LIST, which meant they wouldn't touch it. I had to go to someone else.
Yeah, I hear ya. I called 2 different Allstate agents and one wanted 1100/6 months for full coverage w/500 ded. and the other wanted 757/6 months for same coverage. What gives? I went with the lower priced agent obviously. I guess what I need to do is buy a small commuter bike and insure it as my primary and insure the Bus as secondary. Do you think that would help?

BTW, I am 31, married, a homeowner w/15 years riding exp. and I have taken the MSF class.

[This message has been edited by vortech347 (edited 22 March 2000).]

My Allstate agent wasn't sure if the bike was a "surcharge" bike (it is) and first quoted me a much lower premium. Maybe that's your problem. Be sure they know what the bike is or you'll get the wrong (and useless) policy. Good luck!
Well at least it is better that the one I got from progressive, $9000/ yr. I ended up with Dairyland less than $400/ yr
You guys might check with State Farm, I was paying 255 or so a year full coverage with 250 ded my 96 ZX11. The quoted me 293 for a new 12. Seemed pretty reasonable to me..
Here in Hawaii the Insurance is a rip off. They raise your rates with this "No Fault" insurance crap. I pay $492 every six months with two tickets on my record. The only thing that makes it worth while is I have State Farm insurance, and they really try to take care of you over here. Even if their rates are a little bit more expensive than other companies.
Yup, State Farm in San Diego, 99 Busa, $372 per year for full coverage ($1,000 deductible though), age 38, good record, second vehicle on policy...other is GMC pickup.
Gogeta,where on the Island do you ride a busa?It would have to be the drag strip cause there's not to many roads to go fast on.The only place I can think of would be the Big Island riding between Manuakea and Manaloa mountian going from Hilo to Kona and maybe the South point area between Kau and the Volcano house or Kona to Haapuna beach other than that to many side streets with cars coming out to the main roads.Oh ya do they safety check motorcycles like they do the cars over there.Ride Safe Aloha

[This message has been edited by Cisco San Jose (edited 23 March 2000).]

I have a '98 ZX11, 33 years old, clean record, own my house, single. I'm paying Progressive $1280 per year, full coverage, $500 deductible, no increased coverage. I do not pay any sur charges?

One thing I did was join AMA for $25 and it dropped my rate by $100 (standard for Progressive).

Mr Bear....yup State Farm here too, $372 yr but 250 deduc full coverage comp/collision etc..

My '96 ZX-9R was $324 same specs.

One thing nice about State Farm is that they base their fees on the cc's of the bike, your driving record, #yrs riding, etc. Unlike many others out there who like to blacklist.
Check out Nationwide as well. The insure my 2000 YZF600 for $360/year full coverage w/ $250 deductible. I also have my car and wife's car (Camaro and VW Cabrio) with them as well as our house. I'm 34 w/ a clean record. Apparently, Nationwide ranks insurance prices by engine size without regard to style (i.e., sport vs. touring).
I pay in the low $300s for year 'round coverage. State Farm Ill. No tkts. Progressive is the last place to go for ins. I feel their commercials are misleading. Plus they want a credit check done before giving you a quote!! Just having a company do a credit check affects your credit. Forget Progressive. Have you primary form of transport be a car or truck.