Well I called around to get another quote. Here are my quotes so far. Progressive $1700/year, AllState $1500/year, Dairyland $2200/year, Geico $3300/year and I am a 31yr old married homeowner w/clean record, 15 years exp, the MSF course and AMA membership. I called State Farm and they quoted me $1160/year and I made sure they knew it was a sport bike. What gives with these rates. I am switching to State Farm to save about $300/year compared to Allstate. I know we pay higher premiums in Central Texas because of loss claims but why the huge discrepancy in quotes when I made sure everyone knew it was a 1300cc Sportbike. BTW, Nationwide has the Bus on their blacklist and will not cover it for new business. You have to be an existing client for them to consider it.