Wacky insurance rates from Allstate

Well I called around to get another quote. Here are my quotes so far. Progressive $1700/year, AllState $1500/year, Dairyland $2200/year, Geico $3300/year and I am a 31yr old married homeowner w/clean record, 15 years exp, the MSF course and AMA membership. I called State Farm and they quoted me $1160/year and I made sure they knew it was a sport bike. What gives with these rates. I am switching to State Farm to save about $300/year compared to Allstate. I know we pay higher premiums in Central Texas because of loss claims but why the huge discrepancy in quotes when I made sure everyone knew it was a 1300cc Sportbike. BTW, Nationwide has the Bus on their blacklist and will not cover it for new business. You have to be an existing client for them to consider it.
Fellows dont feel bad I live in Atlanta Ga, perfect driving record, have 4 other vehicles and a house and Allstate insures them all. Allstate quoted me 4000$ for full coverage, Competing companys were around 100$ more or less. Needless to say I payed the Busa off and just carry liability and uninsured motorist coverage for 400$ a year. Hope to God nobody steals my ride.
Bob unless for some reason U can't get covered by State Farm AllState Farmers Etc Progressive is out and out ****ing u over. Call around I am sure u beat the hell out of that price..
We ride all over the island! I'm on Oahu, and no there isnt many places to go very vast, but we get to ride all year round. I dont know how long its been since you've been here, but they have the H-3 highway open. It runs from Kaneohe to the H-1. No place for cops to hide and no really sharp turns. There isnt much traffic, cause a lot of Hawaiians think its haunted cause it was built on an ancient burial ground.I'm not sure how convienent it is to get to Honolulu. So, we do all the really high speed runs there. We do have a track at Campbell Industrial Park, which has a road race track and a drag strip. Year long riding and beautiful women, What more could you ask for?

Life is good! Farmers Ins goes by the cc not what type of bike it is. For my oo Busa a year is $204 a year with a $500 ded. full coverage. My wife's 00 Ninja ZX6 is $175 a year. Averages to $30 a month for both. I live in Michigan 38 yrs old no points. My buudy who has a Blackbird was paying $1200 a year until I told him about Farmers Ins. Quoted him $298 a year because of his age at 30. Still a hell of a lot cheaper than $1200 a year! Insurance companies are a BIG RIP OFF!!!!!!! I don't understand how one company can charge so much where as another can charge less?? I did call around and was quotted anywhere from $1500 to $2000 a year?
Farmers Ins. is located in Battle Creek, Mi.Although they have other offices around the country. Do you live in Michigan? ph. no. is: (616) 968-3066 Good luck and let us know what they quoted you.
Hey jr7501,

I live in Pflugerville. Can you quote me insurance from SA. I got a Dairyland quote of $2000+. From what I understand Dairyland did not rate the Bus as a sport bike last year but has since changed their rating. E-mail me at gdavis23@csc.com. BTW, Allstate was second cheapest and my Farmers Agent (cars and house on that policy) said he could not insure the Bus through Farmers.
I've got DairyLand Ins. here in Texas and they're cheap. 12 months for bothe the '99 Busa and '00 Duck 900 SS run around $861 with a $500 ded. Of course, I'm 46, no tickets (yet!) and no wrecks. Riding bikes for 30+ years. My homeowners, Kemper, with the house and two cars wouldn't touch the bikes. Also, shopped several carriers most wouldn't take bikes period. Allstate was the highest rates of the ones that would insure bikes.

[This message has been edited by jr7501 (edited 26 March 2000).]