Wait for the '07 busa?


Trying to make a sound decision here since this is quite an investment for a toy. Would it be worth my while to wait for the new '07 and are the changes really going to be worth the wait? Anyone know how long I would have to wait if I did go that route?

Appreciate your input. Thanks.
very little time left for 2007 , so wait a little bit more ...
Wait,trust me on this one.
From everything my dealer is telling me, they said not to expect the release to showroom floors before November
If it's like all the other new release on bikes you'll hear about it in Septembers bike show. 

The dealers will tell you March they should have them in stock but it's usually not until April or May.

I was thinking about this too, I went ahead and bought an 06 last week. If the 07 is different I'll get one in 08 incase there are any bugs to be worked out, if I like it which I'm sure I will if it changes.

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Nobody will know until the release date. You have to decide if your patience will get the best of you or not. If you can wait then wait.
Buy now. If it doesn't change and you get one, you'll be pi$$ed you didn't get it sooner. If it does change, trade it in.
Thanks for the input. I really don't know how long I can wait. I am somewhat of an impulse buyer and I have been researching this bike change for a few weeks already.....don't know if I can hold out.