Wal mart respect ?

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Rayabusa0818 @ Mar. 26 2008 said:
1349970[/ATTACH] PM]
Why should Wal-Mart be expected to pay when the trucking company is obviously at fault and should be the responsible party?
The trucking company DID pay, now Wal Mart wants to take money from the settlement
Exactly, this accident should not cost Wal-mart.  They recouped what they had originally paid out.

Thereby leaving the injured with nothing for future care.

I think this falls under an extenuating circumstance.

Walmart did the right thing, to help when help was needed, then, they got re-imbursed when someone else picked up the responsibility. The right sequence of events happened. I like walmart, they provide jobs for people who otherwise wouldn't find work. If they are more than qualified for that job (basic stuff) then they should be smart enough to find something to fit their qualifications. It is all very simple.
Business is business.

It demanded every penny back, plus interest and legal fees -- more, in fact, than the $417,477 the settlement had placed in a special-needs Medicaid trust fund for Shank's future healthcare expenses.

Did anyone think this was OK

Or an I that out of touch?
I look at it like this

My neighbor had an accident and while he sued the company responsible and had no income (lawyers sure want cover you) I made his house payments.

He sues and wins
, shouldn't I get my money back if he's awarded millions  

I think so  
if i worked for Wal-Mart (which thankfully i don't) i would definitely want them to recoup their money that they had paid out for her care...if they don't, that is going to raise the premiums for everyone that is still in the plan...i don't feel it should be my responsibility to end up paying for care which should be paid by the trucking company...just my

don't get me wrong, i feel sorry for this lady and her family but they obviously did not have very good representation in court...they did not get a big enough settlement from the trucking company to cover her care and that is no one's fault but their own
Here is a perfect example of those lawsuits we were talking about.....

Woman headed to alcohol rehabilitation center
Woman misses flight
Woman flies in rage
Woman is uncooperative" and resisted arrest
Woman is handcuffed and taken to holding cell
Woman tries to escape and accidentally hangs herself

Husband sues Airport for 8 million......

I quote the article "the officers responded to Carol exactly the way her husband knew they would respond because they did not have critical information known only to the Gotbaum family"

If the husband new his wife was having mental problems why wasnt he there with her getting her on the plane or taking her to rehab? So this guys decides to sue the airport for taking care of a situation.


Family seeks $8 million in airport deathStory Highlights

(CNN) -- The family of a woman who died last year while in police custody at Phoenix, Arizona's, Sky Harbor International Airport filed an $8 million claim Wednesday against the city of Phoenix and its police department, the first step in filing a wrongful death suit.

Carol Gotbaum, shown in an undated family photo, died accidentally, a medical examiner said.

1 of 2 Carol Gotbaum, a 45-year-old mother of three from New York traveling to Tucson, Arizona, to enter an alcohol rehabilitation center, was taken into custody by Phoenix police on September 28 after she missed her connecting flight and flew into a rage.

She was left alone in a holding cell at the airport and subsequently died, accidentally strangling herself while trying to escape her handcuffs.

The claim accuses the Police Department of using "excessive and unreasonable force" on Gotbaum and failing to follow its own procedures in handling people who are obviously disturbed.

"Good people here made lethal, unreasonable mistakes, with catastrophic results for Carol, her three small children and for her husband," the claim says.

Gotbaum was treated "as if she was a dangerous criminal, rather than as a sick, intoxicated and vulnerable person she was," it says. "She had no weapon and never threatened anyone."

City attorneys responded to the claim, saying that police officers acted properly and responsibly in restraining Gotbaum.

"The Gotbaum family has publicly admitted, not only that Carol hid her medical and mental condition, but that the officers responded to Carol exactly the way her husband knew they would respond because they did not have critical information known only to the Gotbaum family," city attorneys representing the Police Department wrote.

Gotbaum, the stepdaughter-in-law of New York public advocate Betsy Gotbaum, became agitated after missing her flight when gate agents were unable to seat her on a subsequent flight. Airport surveillance video shows Gotbaum's arrest, with police officers struggling to handcuff her.

Police reports say she was "uncooperative" and resisted arrest, screaming during their attempts to escort her out of the airport terminal.

She was accused of disorderly conduct and placed in a holding cell at the airport, where she continued to scream for several minutes after police left the room. Shortly after she stopped screaming, an officer found her unconscious, and rescuers were unable to resuscitate her. The Maricopa County medical examiner ruled that her death was an accidental hanging
people trying to place blame everywhere but where it should be. usually for financial gain
If you ever think you're having a bad day, think of this family.

- Her husband divorced her simply due to the fact that she'll get more money from Medicaid if they weren't married.

- Last summer they lost an appeal on this case. One week later, they lost a son in Iraq.

So a multi-billion dollar company enters into it's next PR nightmare for all of 470K...they may be in the "right", but in the end it's stupid. Over time this will cost them more than that in bad press all while providing fresh ammo to their many many enemies.

It's a company that's just so damn easy to hate.
Walmart should NOT have gotten interest paid back. I am sure there wasn't a contract saying "if you sue and win we get our $$ back with interest. Walmart does employ alot of people(in the top 2 in the nation, 2nd only to the post office), but would everyone agree with me in saying "Sam Walton(founder of walmart) would turn-over in his grave if he could see how his stores are run today. Sam Walton beliueved in ONLY SELLING USA MADE PRODUCTS.
Is it Walmart or Walmart's insurance company that want's the money back, with interest? And if they are claiming legal expenses, was Walmart suing or was the husband?
With all the money Walmart got back, I would bet you that they didn't put it towards the employee health insurance fund. It probably got marked for bonuses or improvements to the store. You won't see their health care cost for their employees go down.
Here is the deal... The way I see it... It's employees that have in the past abused the system that have caused this.. You know those lazy folks that just sue to sue..... Big companies have been busted over and over and had to pay out millions to folks that have not deserved a dime. Those folks have driven the system to the point where they have to take actions like this and good honest people are the ones that suffer. I work for a LARGE company and its incredible what has to be done just because of abuses that have taken place by other employees.

Can Wal Mart find a way to help her, yes and I'm sure they will however know this....... The media will never come back and put the story on the front page of CNN

OK lets have it

BINGO!!! That sums it up very well...
It's too bad the lawyers have twisted the laws around now so that a big corporation who's action caused a person's injuries, is not held responsible for the action. Laws be what they are, We need honest judges and jurys to change this, not more lawyers.Right is right, and wrong is wrong, anyone knows that.
It's too bad the lawyers have twisted the laws around now so that a big corporation who's action caused a person's injuries, is not held responsible for the action. Laws be what they are, We need honest judges and jurys to change this, not more lawyers.Right is right, and wrong is wrong, anyone knows that.
As long as the lawyers are raking in the big bucks, and so many of those lawyers are also lawmakers, we're screwed...

I'm fond of the lawsuits for the "oh, I didn't know coffee was hot" or the "I didn't realize my overweight rear would break the tiny lawn chair and cause injury"...people nowadays LOOK for reasons to sue, and there will always be lawyers out there willing to dig up a "good reason" to take the case...only good reason for those involved is the mighty dollar...
It didnt take a story like this for me to further despise Walmart. I agree with Semi about poor representation being largely at fault. But Walmart could do something just to help a former employee and create "goodwill" in the community. Walmart does not use local contractors to build their stores. Walmart does not pay prevailing local wages. Walmart does help to drive out locally owned business and drive down the standard of living in the community. I will NEVER shop at Walmart.
I can't believe someone is so poor that they can't afford to spend just a little more at a local business and feel they "have to" go to Walmart. I guess I never realized how rough things were for some of you.

Personally, I avoid Walmart at all costs and will gladly pay more to shop anywhere else.
Sounds to me like the Husband had a perty CHEAP and Stupid Attorney for not including Wal-Marts expenses in the Medical Expenses part he claimed. Rights of Recovery by the insured is ALWAYS part of the Policy  
, you guys do read your policy BEFORE you have to use it, DON'T YA
 ) I would bet he claimed All the Medical Expenses that Wal Mart paid as part of what the Medical Cost was to recouperate. Bet the Husband nor the Attorney told the Jury about the Med ALREADY paid and what a Medical Judgement assignment would mean. No, they probably just told the jury what the TOTAL was, as though THEY were paying.

So, NEXT TIME, get a competent Attorney