That's not as bad as Illinois laws! Freakin' stupid......In the west burbs last week and decided to stop in to Bass Pro for some dinner. While waiting on a seat I decide to go over to look at some handguns. Decide to take a look at the Millenium and the clerk asks me for some card, I couldn't understand what he was saying and wondered if it was even english. Ends up he is saying foid or F.O.I.D well apparently if I don't know what it is I probably don't have one. He says I can't touch it, I told him I didn't want to buy it but just check it out. Without a FOID I can't even touch it. My co-worker says hey I have one as he reaches into his wallet and the clerk says sorry but you guys are together, can't show it to you either. I realize I just got off the plane but didn't know we landed in the Soviet Union! Then he tells me I can't be in front of the display case. So I backed up and preceded to share the wonderfully leniant laws from Ohio and here's how they compare...
To own a gun: (Chicago)Have a FOID or F you ID (Ohio)No special documentation
Purchase a gun: (Chicago) FOID and 2 week waiting period (Ohio) 15-20 minute background check. No check required on private sales
Regulations: (Chicago) 10 round magazine max capacity (Ohio)You can buy a 17 round mag all day.
CCW law: (Chicago)None allowed (Ohio)Complete training, apply to local sherrif and pay $55
I'm sure there are many others but these are a few that just blew me away. Oh and I can't buy ammo without showing a FOID or hunting license. I think if you're going to require a license you should have to prove competent first and how can you learn to shoot if you can't own a gun? I don't think he understood that posession was ruled to mean ownership not immediate control. Obama won't take your guns but you won't be able to get them just ask the Illini.
rant over::::