Wanna Race?Be careful what you wish for!!

Hey Joe, let me know when and where; I'll bring the camera ... "for historical purposes, of course".

Yo Eric, have you seen the picture of the "shortest busa owner" yet?? You'll LOL!!!! :biggrin:
BTW, is your email still eric@katanazine.com???


[This message has been edited by coco (edited 04 January 2000).]
We have to wait until the track is open Felix.They are suppose to be having it resurfaced during the Christmas/New years holidays.I dont know if they are finished.
Allright, I gotta get up there and ride with you guys. I dread the cruise up 95 though. How long do you think it will take me from palm beach going about 85 or so? Is there anywhere to ride around melbourne or a little south of orlando?
Well nick if it was me i would have never lost control and been in the ditch in the first place. Hey Felix me email address is gixter711@cs.com. By the way Nick those carbs that u got from NY were worse than the other ones. They looked like the ones you gave me the first time.