War On Leather


Maybe there is a reason the protesters don't give the bikers problems. Real or not, that is funny stuff right there!
Right. And hows the cost of a home out there in SoCal? :poke:

Just a little gentle ribbing and I apologize to the members in Mishawaka (Peppermint Capital of the World) for any offense taken. The cold weather is no joke anymore and I really feel for the folks in the midwest and Southeast. You might be surprised that the housing in SoCal isn't that bad, it's having a job that is hard right now, unemployment is over 12%. In order to enjoy the environment and social amenities that you do in Mishawaka you will pay a premium though. Through the grace of God I have been fortunate, my house is paid for but the issue is once I retire will I be able to afford the property tax on a fixed income. Might think about moving to Mishawaka or back to Texas.

:rofl::rofl::rofl: They better do a smarter job of picking their fights those old ladies wearing fur coats in Hollywood won't piss on them... They should realize how lucky they are to be alive an move on an mark it as a lesson learned.:laugh: