Warning about a fellow member......

Maybe it is a misunderstanding. See what could have happened was upon returning home a freak lightning storm happened which fried his computer and phone lines b/c he was using dialup. Upon the panicing he dropped his cell in the toilet.
There was an earthquake, a terrible flood, locusts, IT WASN'T MY FAULT.......
Did you confirm with Postal that he sold him his bike?
Postal is out of town this week, so I was unable to, but Postal did post a reply in one of vrsca2003's topics.


Here's what postal said: (This was another reason I tried to trust him, since Postal IS a long time member)
(Postal, Mar. 25 2005 @ 07:17)
Thank you John for being such a "straight-up" person to deal with on this bike. It is always good to deal with honest people. The bike was 100% as you represented it, and I couldn't be happier!

That really sucks!  I remember reading your intial post with pic's of the BP gas attendant.  Can't believe you went through all that trouble and got shafted.  Hope you are able to sell for a great price and soon!!  Sorry you had to go through all that!
So, where are the pics of the BP attendant???


Here's the link to the other post:

...and the pic

sucks man.. would be nice if he would atleast share his side of the story so we all aren't left with only one side of the story.. not that I dont' think STKR is bein honest. I'm sure it went down just like he's got it. I just wonder what happened with the other dude.. why go to all the trouble if ya weren't serious?

kinda scary.. i'm meeting up with a guy from NY to finish a deal we've been working out for about 3 weeks now. this coming friday.. haha. not as far as you drove.. but still alot of trouble if it doesn't work out.
I agree with pure ego. He's going to get a bad reputation around here. Kinda like Kerberos did back in the day...
<span style='font-size:13pt;line-height:100%'><span style='color:red'>WARNING:</span></span> This is VERY, VERY, VERY long, but it has to be for a full explanation of what happened.  You will understand if you read it all.  I apologize in advance for the eye-strain you are going to have after this.

Let me start by saying that I have honestly been hoping that I would not have to make this post.  I have been waiting for this to be resolved, but it appears that the other member has chosen not to try and work this out.  With that said, here it is:

The members info: (All of this info is in his )
Screen name is: <span style='font-size:11pt;line-height:100%'>vrsca2003</span>
Real name is: John Sparks
Location: Williamsburg Virginia

I have been trying to sell my 2003 Hayabusa for about a month now.  John sent me a PM making me an offer to buy it.  Although it was less than I wanted, I figured since he was a board member, I would let him have it at a reduced price.  I sent him a PM to let him know, and then we started trying to work out the details of the purchase.  The following are copies of the PM's, but I have X'ed out the private info that's not in our profiles.

June 22 2005,16:34
would you take $XXXX for it. Im not trying to lowball, but thats truthfully all i have saved up. I sold my 2005 hayabusa to POSTAL on this web board because at the time i was goin through a difficult time with the wifey. Just let me know. I have the money available and can drive to pick it up.

John Sparks


June 23 2005,04:32
(vrsca2003)(stkr00 @ June 22 2005,23:42)
John,I talked it over with the wife, and she said it was up to me since it was my bike.  I'll take your offer.I'll make a deal with you though.  If you'll cover my gas to meet you half way, then I'll take the bike in to have the 8K mile service done prior to meeting.  We paid for a service contract through the local dealership so it won't cost me anything, but it will save you from needing to pay for it later.  The bike will have about 7500 miles on it when you get it...maybe less.  If I can't get the bike in before we meet, then I'll cover my own gas.The halfway point of the trip looks to be around Youngstown Ohio where I-80 turns into I-76 according to Mapquest and Yahoo Maps.  These are toll roads though.  If you want to choose a non-toll route, that would be fine with me. Payment idea:  You may not want to do this and I'll understand if you don't, but...   If you send the Cashier's check before the delivery, then I can take it to the bank, and once it clears, then I can have them release the lien from the title.  This way, you get a clean title upon delivery.  Otherwise, you will have to wait for the title until everything is cleared.

Talk to you soon,
Contact Info:
<span style='color:blue'>EDIT: address removed</span>
Work:  XXX-XXX-XXXX  ext-51[/QUOTE]
Ok, sounds good on the service. Tina and i are going to go and get a cashiers check today so we can get the ball rolling. I will call you later on today so we can get these plans going.

thanks again.

john sparks [/QUOTE]

June 24 2005,16:14
I lost your phone # or you can give me a call if you get the chance.


<span style='color:red'>I have a cashiers check ready.</span>[/QUOTE]

June 26 2005,07:28
(stkr00 @ June 24 2005,17:55)
(vrsca2003 @ June 24 2005,16:14)
I lost your phone # or you can give me a call if you get the chance.


I have a cashiers check ready.[/QUOTE]

Home phone XXX-XXX-XXXX  Cell phone XXX-XXX-XXXX

I have the bike scheduled to go in for service on Tuesday evening to be serviced on Wednesday.  I should be able to pick it up on Thursday.If you want to meet on Saturday, July 2nd, we can do that.  We can just go with the original plan of meeting, and then I'll get you the title when the bank is paid off.  I'll just have to get your info to fill out the buyer portion of the title.  We can do this when we meet.  If you don't have a problem waiting a week or so to get the title, then this should work out for us.Give me a call later on tonight...I've got some errands to run now, and then I'll be home later.Thanks,Jim Foreman


Sounds good. Ive been in and out of the hospital all weekend with my son (asthma attacks). Everythings still a go. Sorry i havent called, just trying to take care of priority one first.


This is where we stopped sending PM's and started making phone calls to each other.  I didn't write down all of the dates, since I didn't think I had a reason to.  Here's the call history:

June 27th:
Called John and talked to him about the meeting time and route.  Due to his son’s condition, and the July 4th weekend, we decided to put everything on hold for a week, and do the meeting on July 9th.

June 28th:
Took the Busa in for its 8000 mile service so that John wouldn’t have to worry about it right away.  

June 30th:
Picked the Busa up from the dealership.

July 6th:
Sent John an e-mail about changing the location to Morehead Kentucky due to it being an easier route for both him and myself.

July 7th:
I called John and talked to him briefly on his cell phone.  I told him the new meeting location and time.  He said that the new location would be fine.  He then said he had to go to a meeting, so I asked him to just give me a call at home that night.

I never heard from him.

July 8th:
Picked up the trailer from a friend.  Spent Friday evening loading the bike on the trailer and preparing for the trip to Kentucky.

Tried to call John’s cell phone two different times, but never got an answer...only his voice mail.  Left a message for him to call me, but never got a call back.

My wife asked me if I was still going, and I told her that I had to go since I had already talked to him on Thursday when John said that everything was fine.  If I didn’t go, and John showed up, then all of my credibility would be ruined.  I had to go on the faith that John would hold up his end of the deal, since that was what he said he was going to do.

This is the schedule/messages for July 9th.  This was when we were supposed to meet.  I tried to quote every message from my cell phone so that I cannot be accused of taking anything out of context, or misunderstanding what was sent.

July 9th (the road trip day)
[*]4:00 am, I left the house and headed for Morehead Kentucky to meet John.
[*]12:00 pm, I Arrived at Morehead Kentucky.
[*]12:00pm – 1:50pm, I waited in Morehead Kentucky for John.
I couldn’t get cellular service with my phone, so I used the cashier’s phone to call John’s cell phone.  I didn’t get an answer, so I left him a voice mail with the location, and the phone number, of the BP station.
[*]1:50 pm, I left Morehead Kentucky and headed home.
[*]2:50 pm:  This is when the text messaging between John and I started.
[*]2:50pm John: (sent at 12:08)  â€œI am broke down in west va. My cell service is going in and out. Im waiting for AAA nowâ€
[*]2:53pm Jim: “Where at?â€
[*]3:09pm Jim: “I turned around. Headed to WV. Need your location† (This was when I stopped, and got gas.  Figured I could go ahead and meet him and help him out if possible)
[*]3:11pm John: “I’m heading home. My motor locked up, truck/me are on the rollback.â€
[*]3:14pm Jim: “Where at?â€
[*]3:16pm John: “im in Staunton, va right now. I have no signal that y im not answering.â€
[*]3:18pm Jim: “What do you want to do about the Busa?†(Figuring he may want to back out due to truck repair costs.  Giving him the chance if he does want to cancel the deal.)
[*]3:20pm John: “I will send you the cashiers check Monday. And I’ll just make arrangements to come to get it, if that’s ok with u.â€
[*]3:24pm Jim: “That’s fine. Good luck with your truck. Call me when you get home.
[*]3:25pm John: “Thanks, im really sorry to put u out of ur way. This absolutely sucks. Damn towtruck doesn’t have ac either.â€
[*]3:44pm Jim: “The girl @ the BP was HOT. I’ll post pics.
[*]3:46pm John: “That’s too funny, cuz im riding with the typical greasy ass oil soaked tow truck driver. Aarggghh!!â€

That was the last contact that I have had from him since July 9th.  I sent him a PM and left him a voice mail to call me Sunday night, but never heard from him.  I thought that I would at least hear from him on Monday, letting me know that the check had been sent, and maybe an “I’m sorry about the trip…†call, but I have heard nothing.  

I sent this PM on Monday:

I'm not sure what's going on.  You've logged in at least twice since we were supposed to meet, and haven't contacted me like I asked you to.  What's the deal?

I've spent a lot of time and money trying to help you out on this purchase.  Hell, I was turned around and ready to bring the bike to you, but you replied that you were already on the tow truck.

If this is a game your playing, then please stop and just let me know.  If you are still serious about getting the Busa, then please call me and lets work it out.

Please try to look at it from my perspective.  I drove almost 500 miles one way to meet you, and I honestly do not have any proof that you were broke down.  I have to take your word for it.  The part that really bothers me, is your lack of communication.  Why is it so hard for you to just call me back?  That's all I asked you to do.

Please call me tonight XXX-XXX-XXXX


I also sent a text message for him to please call me, and gave him my number again.

John has not logged into the board since July 10th @ 4:18 pm.

Like I said...I'm sorry to have to post this about a fellow Hayabusa.org member, but I feel that all of you should be aware of this in case you have any dealings with him.

I have waited until today...checking the mailbox everyday...hoping that he would prove me wrong by sending me the check, but he has not.  He has disappointed me and has also disrespected the site that we have all grown to call home.

You can make your own decision about John Sparks (vrsca2003), but my mind is made up.  Feel free to send him a PM or e-mail through the board, and ask him if what I'm telling you is true.  I doubt you'll ever get a response, but then again you might get lucky.  

Maybe a PM campaign to vrsca2003 might get him to respond.

Okay, I'm finished now.  If you read through the whole thins, then I appluade you.  I am sorry for the length, but it was needed for clarity.

Take care everybody

BTW:  My Busa is STILL up for sale to the first person with the money.  Even vrsca2003.
Sorry this deal went sour for you stkr, but you ARE A STICKLER FOR DETAILS aren't ya?


That is very strange indeed. makes you wonder on one hand wether the guy ever made it home, and on the other just a complete moron.
He made it home because he was last logged into the site at 4:18 pm on July 10th. The day AFTER we were supposed to meet.
What a turd... I dont think I even need to hear it from his side. Childish man, that was childish.
Oh, did you crop her wedding band from the picture?

Reason for Edit: "http://zapatopi.net/afdb.html"|1121535531 -->
she is hot.....oops im married....your the devil john...temting me like this..not nice brah

sucks to get jerked around by a guy keep your head up and remember not all of us are bad brah
I sympathize with stkr but I have a problem with making private messages public. After all, they are just that - private.
Not that it is any of my business or anything.