I have a hard time believing that this really happened.
The Guy had "it done" to him so many times and twice on a number of days.
Was it always the same girls? Was his memory so bad that he couldn't remember?
Then he went out and bought wallets? So his plan is to let this happen to him and then
let them take an empty wallet?
All it would take is for a Teed off girl(s) to create a plan to say that HE attacked them when they got in the vehicle.
Two girls lying against one guy will cause that guy a lot of pain and money to PROVE that he DIDN'T do it.
Also the police would want to know why he didn't report it.

I guess that he should keep a Go-Pro mounted in his vehicle for such occasions to protect himself if he finds
that he needs his windshield cleaned often.

The Guy had "it done" to him so many times and twice on a number of days.
Was it always the same girls? Was his memory so bad that he couldn't remember?
Then he went out and bought wallets? So his plan is to let this happen to him and then
let them take an empty wallet?
All it would take is for a Teed off girl(s) to create a plan to say that HE attacked them when they got in the vehicle.
Two girls lying against one guy will cause that guy a lot of pain and money to PROVE that he DIDN'T do it.

Also the police would want to know why he didn't report it.

I guess that he should keep a Go-Pro mounted in his vehicle for such occasions to protect himself if he finds
that he needs his windshield cleaned often.