*WAS*Goin to ride today :(

good to hear he (and his tat's) are ok! :thumbsup: kinda reminds me of when i was selling my katana (15 years ago). just finished detailing it and before the guy comes over to buy it, i thought i'd take it around the block and fill up the tank. slipped on some loose gravel (making a right turn) at an intersection and down she goes. ALWAYS WEAR YOUR GEAR :beerchug:
That suxs, at least your already on fixin it for him.

I believe Metallica has a theme song for him, you can play it everytime he pulls up

"Enter the Sandman"

enter the sand................man.:rofl::thumbsup:

heres the update on the bike.


everything looks fine. ordering parts soon hopefully by next month it will be done.
Thank God the American Flag survived ! The tattoo that is.
Really sorry to hear about the getoff.
They always say that accidents happen closest to home...
And also sad for the bike . If he is like me the road rash doesnt bother him as much as the cracked bike.
I would be crying and folks would say 'Does it hurt that bad' ?
'No but my BiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKe aaaahhhhaaa'

Neosporin and saran wrap will keep it from sticking to the sheets....
believe me I know from my teenage skateboarding days..

Always grateful to walk away from them though.
I hope he thanked his guardian angel for being able to keep up.
Now if he had been on a Busa....:whistle:
Hey? Should he get some antibiotics? I'd hate to see an infection. I wish my jacket had more padding in it than it does. Glad he is OK.
He should only get antibiotics if there is signs of infection. They are useless when used just before infection sets in. If he keeps it clean it won't be much of a problem.

Glad he is ok.

Also I don't remember seeing the pennies in the repair book. Must only be used on the 600's

I like the windscreen.