Was it a fake? You decide

Re: Was is a fake? You decide

Ummm... He didn't do it, he was in office at the time a US NAVY SEAL shot Osama in the head... BIG difference. Obama aint the next Jesus Christ (I actually heard a guy say that he was like the next coming on the FOX news coverage). All he did was say, "OK we can send ST 6 into this mansion... Oh, and dump the body in the ocean." :poke:

Maybe the antiChrist:poke:
Re: Was is a fake? You decide

he seems to make some good points, however unless the mainstream media picks this story up and presents it in a legitimate fashion, this information will go no further than the internet, watercooler discussions and chubby open class sportbike forums. Media outlets do not want to lose what credability they have over a story the majority may see as vindictive and unbelievable
Re: Was is a fake? You decide

he seems to make some good points, however unless the mainstream media picks this story up and presents it in a legitimate fashion, this information will go no further than the internet, watercooler discussions and chubby open class sportbike forums. Media outlets do not want to lose what credability they have over a story the majority may see as vindictive and unbelievable

I agree 100%. Do you think the media will ever run with this no. Because they love Obama. Is it fake or not know one will ever know. If it is do you think anything will happen? I feel we have bigger issues with the idiots in D.C. than someones birth certificate.
Re: Was is a fake? You decide

Circumvent a constitutional rule for eligibility of being a president and desensitize you to standing up and crying "foul".... Then its your 2nd amendment... Then on and on... We have to live by rules they make... By god they need to abide by rules ourforefathers made!!!!
Re: Was is a fake? You decide

It doesn't really matter cuase even if it is nothing will happen.
Re: Was is a fake? You decide

Even if it's proven to be fake, the challenge/lawsuit will never make it to SCOTUS before 2012; so the task at hand remains to vote him out of office and ensure this nightmare is not repeated. I agree that the Republicans/Conservatives need to get with it and find a better candidate than the Donald....

Where it gets interesting is the aftermath. If it's proven he was not qualified to be President, then all the laws he's signed (notably Obamacare) are null and void....wow that could tie the courts up for a LONG time...
Re: Was is a fake? You decide

anyone realize that part of the socialist states program (aka Obama's agenda) the number of people getting audited is increasing by edict from Obama? If you make a certain amount the number of audits are going from roughly 15-20% up to 80% and higher. Each tax bracket is in the same audit increase, apparently its Obama's way of keeping folks employed and at the same time turning the screws on the American public....and get this, they give you 10days to respond or you default and owe whatever the letter claims true or not.... welcome to the change we can believe in.... :banghead:
Re: Was is a fake? You decide

I'm by no means an Obama supporter and hope he gets voted out in 2012. That said, I think we should be spending our time looking how he's handling the real issues effecting the Country. The original paper documents were micro fished in the 70s and 80s to preserve and provide more storage space. In the 90s and 00s, they are getting images and digitally stored. Printing them out on patterned paper makes it difficult to alter after receipt. If you want to know if its a fake, call the State Registrar who certified it.
Re: Was is a fake? You decide

Pretty sure falsification of federal documents is a felony. That said, not only can he and anyone involved be jailed for a really long time, but it would make it very easy to erase any legislature we see unfit that has been passed in the last 4 years and create ground to reintroduce legislature that was vetoed.