

OK, I was out waxing the ol Busa today and allowed my feeble mind to wander.

Does wax and polish have a positive or negative affect on aerodynamics?

A rough surface has the ability to break air and atomize it better. That atonization would create a thin layer of air in which another layer of air could slide across.

This was Lance Armstrong's Theory when he designed a suit full of dimples similar to a golf ball. In fact, the gold ball is what inspired the areodynamic, windbreaking suit of Armstrong.

Can a perfectly smooth surface affect airflow in a negaive manner, causing it to stick to the surface rather than glide over?

(I shouldn't think so much, but...)
Dude you need to just ride more
Good question, actually. Put a golf-ball paintjob on your Busa and do some wind tunnel testing.

I suspect that the dimple's effectiveness will vary with speed but if you can get that system to insulate you from moving air, then you've created a sort of cocoon which will allow you to slip through the air much more readily.

Worth checking out.

Another way of asking this would be;
What is a more capable aerodynamic surface? A surface that is rough such as a sanded surface. (or) A surface that is polished and waxed to perfection.
A golf ball has dimples to create more surface for the air to act on. They are designed to keep the ball in the air as long as possible.

I knew a drag racer that would sprinkle a small layer of talcum powder on his paint to create a smoother surface for his car. ( I thought he was a little "out there")

Dark colored vehicles absorb more sunlight, and generate a little more heat because of it. The hot air coming off the paint is thinner (hot air rises) allowing that vehicle a small added aerodynamic advantage. Which is why the 04 black / purple is the fastest....

Not sure the difference from any of these is going to be measurable.

Fun theories though.
(pward76 @ Apr. 10 2007,22:17) Which is why the 04 black / purple is the fastest....
Oh, gawd, that is the best one I've heard on here yet!!



it depends on the terminal speed you're trying to achieve... At busa speeds I would say smooth as glass is better you don't have to worry about surface air delamination... just my .02

I think once you're in the subsonic or sonic it's a different ball game.
I was thinking there would be a few aero-wizards here.

I remember back in my days of DragBoat racing it was a NO NO to wax the hull of the boat. Wax would cause the water to stick and possibly drop a 100th or 10th.

The last year of racing I would apply Rain-X to the entire hull. (I found out that I was doing the same thing as wax.) I friend of mine never waxed the bottom, nor did he apply Rain-X. He always wet sanded the hull.

I know that getting past the 200MPH barrier is an aerodynamic battle. The air is similar to a wall. I need to know what the best ways of getting through that wall are without a Turbo or Nitrous. I want to go past 200 on all Motor running the Maxton Mile.
If you can build your motor to make 205+ hp then you can do it on all motor. It'll really come down to gearing in the end.

The best aero upgrade you can make for maxton is to drop the bike nice n low and get a good tuck.

waxed or no wax isn't gonna make or break you at maxton.
(motogp08 @ Apr. 11 2007,00:12) Boy, someone was grinding gears.
Revv, you gonna let a 16 year old make fun of your azz, and what ever you're smoking, mail me some.

(Wag @ Apr. 11 2007,01:19)
(pward76 @ Apr. 10 2007,22:17) Which is why the 04 black / purple is the fastest....
Oh, gawd, that is the best one I've heard on here yet!!



Yes because we know that the '06 Black and Gunmetal is the fastest. ( Threadjacking in progress )
(Revvv @ Apr. 11 2007,11:31) I was thinking there would be a few aero-wizards here.

I remember back in my days of DragBoat racing it was a NO NO to wax the hull of the boat. Wax would cause the water to stick and possibly drop a 100th or 10th.

The last year of racing I would apply Rain-X to the entire hull. (I found out that I was doing the same thing as wax.) I friend of mine never waxed the bottom, nor did he apply Rain-X. He always wet sanded the hull.

I know that getting past the 200MPH barrier is an aerodynamic battle. The air is similar to a wall. I need to know what the best ways of getting through that wall are without a Turbo or Nitrous. I want to go past 200 on all Motor running the Maxton Mile.
Turbo to get ya there, but unless you change sprockets you can forget it IMHO
(dadofthree @ Apr. 23 2007,06:42)
(motogp08 @ Apr. 11 2007,00:12) Boy, someone was grinding gears.
Revv, you gonna let a 16 year old make fun of your azz, and what ever you're smoking, mail me some.  
I generally allow idiots to talk enough to prove they are an idiot.

What you need to do is put a small propeler on the front so it creates a swirl effect. This will actually pull you faster.
Back to a serious note, an aero package is still a black are. If you remember the first CBR 900s had holes in the front cowling. What were they for, well Honda found out that they released pressure and allowed the bike to turn better at high speeds. So, does wax help, well yes it does to smooth out the flow. But you then need to know what you want the flow to do, follow the bike body or tumble to cause low pressure areas to help expell heat from vents. Alot more goes into it than just dimples here and there. You need to know what you need the air to do  