We always figured the Busa was tough ..

I'm thinking that on a bike High speed might actually save your ass...  The increase in stability and the bikes desire to maintain it's path of travel could save your ass...  Combined with lack of reaction time to try something stuppid like panic...  So don't go slower....  Speed the hell up.

Remember, kinetic energy is proportional to the square of velocity, doubling the velocity quadruples the kinetic energy. Therefore, one object traveling at 100 MPH has twice the kinetic energy of two objects of equal mass, each traveling at 50 MPH.  So at 60mph the deer may have held together it's structure not having failed, leaving the rider and bike for more damaged as the total mass of the deer collides instead of slicing right through.  which would create a much more dramatic impact...  Think of breaking boards with your hands.  You punch straight through a board and split it, it doesn't hurt at all.  You punch that same board a little slower, without any focus?  Hurts like a bitch...  Same principle...  

So instead of the Busa feeling the full impact of the collision it mearly felt a moments resistance then was free to go... combined with bikes increased gyroscopic stability, shoot sorta logical really...

All you gotta do is buy some clean shorts....

SO, Fugging goose it, and cook it later...  Right?  Hey where you guys going?  

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Glad to here your friend is all right Bandit. He's lucky it wasn't Bullwinkle the moose or an elk.

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Glad your friend's ok,

Another part of the ad: never been down!
srry to hear that mate glad he and the busa is ok.
dont like that colour much barbie but hey i hope ken likes it